It is a catalogue for the solo exhibition of Taiwanese artist Chen Shuming held from March to June 2012 at Taipei Fine Arts Museum. Deploying abstract visual language, Chen's art records the transformation of his psychology from a stage in which he was still a young artist to which he is now regarded as a master. From 2000 onwards, he turned his interest to the intersection between painting and photography, exploring the boundaries of the two mediums in order to extend the possibility of his art's visuality, in which many layers are overlapped to give a rich texture of pictorial message. The exhibition includes works of paintings, digital prints, mixed media and drawings, and ultimately showcases the mental projection of his view of life through art.

Includes introductory essays, an interview, and a biography.

陳世明(1948 ~)的抽象構成繪畫蛻變於紮實的具象寫實繪畫,以及物我凝視心靈萃煉之體悟,從具象轉變至抽象,其間有一段漫長的心路歷程,甚至是一種內在需求的轉化,質言之,陳世明的繪畫反映其藝術哲學與修行導出的視覺語言。陳世明學畫的觀點是以形式來發展出各語境,而人生心境則可分為兩個階段:以禪的觀點看人生( 1983~2000) 和從宇宙大氣的觀點看人生(2003 至今)。其思想核心,從禪的觀點轉而由宇宙氣場看人生,心境上的改變語境也大有變化,習禪是為了明心見性離苦得樂,心境定靜畫面出現空淨的語境,而學習氣場則要會尊天敬地,面對生活種種苦難,心境無疑、無慮、無懼。無懼的能量自然爆出的影像語境:亮麗、莊嚴的萬象。

近年來,陳世明潛心探討繪畫空間延展的可能性,他以大量的攝影為媒介,拍攝從自然到都會的片斷隨想,重新組構成綿密的萬象空間,影像互相交織疊嶂,表現影像千層的繪畫性,這些穿越時空的影像繪畫,敏銳詮釋了藝術本質與感知幻覺的當代視野。本館策辦「陳世明 縱探語境」展,選自1979年至2011年期間,展覽品以自然、景物、建築、都會、人物等題材,包含素描、水墨、複合媒材以及數位輸出於畫布,計有49(組)件,展現陳世明心境投射的藝術風貌。(載自台北市立藝術館網頁)

Alternative title

Chen shi ming: zong tan yu jing

Access level


Location code

Chinese - Traditional, 


Publication/Creation date


No of pages




No of copies


Content type

artist monograph, 


Chapter headings

Chen Shu-Ming: Exploring Visual Language - Form, Colour and Light in Spatial Configuration / 陳世明: 縱探語境-形色光影在空間組構 - LIU Yungjen, 劉永仁

One Step, One Footprint - An Archaeological Description of Chen Shu Ming's Visual Diary / 一步一腳印-陳世明圖像日記的考掘學式描述 - Pedro TSENG, 曾長生

Sounding the Resonance - Exploring Visual Language / 叩鳴縱探語境-劉永仁X陳世明 - LIU Yungjen, 劉永仁, CHEN Shu-Ming, 陳世明

Chen Shu-ming: Exploring Visual Language
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Chen Shu-ming: Exploring Visual Language, 陳世明:縱探語境