Poetry Blossoms (Issue 3)

Issue three of the self-published magazine Poetry Blossoms (three issues in total). Publishers include Wucius WONG, Qunnan SHUM and YIP Wai Lim.

Headings and titles:
初論鑑賞 | (An Initial Appreciation)
石像 | (A Stone Statue)
秋悲 | (Autumn Sorrow)
試評高原的牧鈴 | (An Attempt to Appreciate The Bells in the Highland)
世界詩鈔 | (A Collection of Poems from the World)
又一次火車帶我走得遠遠 ] (The Train Brings Me Far Away Again)
揚帆 | (To the Sea)
牧神 | (The Faun)
雨調 | (Tunes of the Rain)
英文中學校會考詩選譯 | (Translation a selection of poems by English secondary school students)
微蕊集 | (Wei Rui collection of poems)

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Poetry Blossoms (Issue 3), 詩朵(第三期)