Nationalism, Genuine and Spurious brings together seven essays by Ashis Nandy, whose research interests centre on the political psychology of violence, cultures of knowledge, utopias and visions, human potentialities, and futures. This book belongs to the West Heavens: Readers of Current Indian Thought series which coincides with the academic forum 'West Heavens: India-China Summit on Social Thought' presented by the 8th Shanghai Biennale, Institute of Visual Culture at China Academy of Art, and co-presented by Hanart TZ Gallery and Moonchu Foundation.

'The aim is to foster closer understanding of India through contemporary art and scholarship, and develop cross-cultural dialogue based on visual culture and notions of Asian modernity. Scholars represented in this series of Readers have been invited to lecture at the 2010 8th Shanghai Biennale and they have specially selected this anthology of representative writings to introduce their thinking to the Chinese public.' (excerpt from 'Passage to West Heavens' by Chang Tsongzung, p. 139)

Other books in the West Heavens: Readers of Current Indian Thought series are also available in the Archive. Please visit this page for more details.

民族主義, 真誠與欺騙》收錄阿希斯. 南迪七篇文章。「阿希斯. 南迪在印度被視作『今天的泰戈爾』、『印度的良心』。他對第三世界在殖民史和現代性創傷下的發展前途的關注和反思或許可供同樣承載文明遺產並處在『學西』之路上的中國自明。」(書背)

從西天到中土:印度當代新思潮讀本》系列是「西天中土」項目出版計劃的第一組叢書,是專為「從西天到中土:印中社會思想對話」編輯的參考讀本。叢書旨在「從學術思想和當代藝術兩個角度去親近印度,進行視覺文化和亞洲現代性的文化比較。讀本中的學者於2010年秋的上海雙年展期間陸續來華演講;為了讓聽眾進一步了解他們的思想,每位學者為我們精挑了這個選集。」(摘錄自「緣起」,張頌仁文,p. 1)

Alternative title

West Heavens: Readers of Current Indian Thought | 從西天到中土: 印度當代新思潮讀本 | Cong xi tian dao zhong tu: Yin du dang dai xin si chao du ben | Min zu zhu yi, zhen cheng yu qi pian: A xi si. Nan di du ben

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Location code

Chinese - Simplified, 


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Chapter headings

Introduction: India as Method/ 序: 作為方法的印度 - CHEN Kuanhsing, 陳光興

Infantilisation/ 幼稚化

Sugar/ 糖

Coca-Cola/ 可口可樂

The Decline in the Imagination of the Village/ 鄉村想像的弱化

Final Encounter: The Politics of the Assassination of Gandhi/ 最後的相遇:甘地遇刺之政治

Shamans, Savages and the Wilderness: On the Audibility of Dissent and the Future of Civilisations/ 巫師、蠻夷之地與荒野:論異見之可聞與文明之未來

Nationalism, Genuine and Spurious: A Very Late Obituary of Two Early Post-Nationalist Stains in India/ 民族主義,真誠與欺騙:關於印度兩種早期後民族主義論調的姍姍來遲的訃告

Nationalism, Genuine and Spurious: Ashis Nandy Reader
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Nationalism, Genuine and Spurious: Ashis Nandy Reader, 民族主義, 真誠與欺騙: 阿希斯. 南迪讀本