Sudjana kerton became an artist skilled in sketching and drawing during the Indonesian Revolution. This book consists of the writings of Dr. Astri Wright, Dr. M. Dwi Marianto, Dr. Hildawati Soemantri. The three writers focused on the artistic character and the art world of Sudjana Kerton from different perspectives.

Wright emphasised the formal and conceptual aspects of Sudjana Kerton's art work. Soemantri focused on Sudjana Kerton's position as an artist in Bandung's art world, as an artist almost forgotten after being abroad for 25 years. Marianto focused on Sudjana Kerton as an artist who lived in two worlds, who, because of this fact, made a meaningful contribution to the modern art world of Indonesia, not only with his art work bu also with his collection of important and historical documents which he collected before and after the Indonesia Revolution and Struggle for Independence.

Artist's biography included.
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Location code


Bahasa Indonesian

Publication/Creation date


No of pages


No of copies


Content type

artist monograph

Chapter headings

Preface: Full Circle - Tjandra KERTON

Sudjana Kerton: The Aesthetics of Revolution and The Birth of Modern Artist - Astri WRIGHT

The Revolution and Evolution of Sudjana Kerton (The Wolf Who Walked Alone) - Martinus Dwi Marianto

Sudjana Kerton: Out of Sight, Out of Mind? - Hilda SOEMANTRI

The Revolution & Evolution of Sudjana Kerton
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The Revolution & Evolution of Sudjana Kerton