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Wandering in the Poetry: The 2nd NCAF Techno Art Creation Project
Exhibition Catalogue

Wandering in the Poetry: The 2nd NCAF Techno Art Creation Project

科光幻影2007—詩路漫遊: 第二屆國家文化藝術基金會「科技藝術創作發表專案」
CHANG Chingwen, 張晴文, CHEN Junhau Howard, 陳浚豪, KUO Anes Kuanying, 郭冠英, LIN Hsiaoyu, 林曉瑜, SU Hui-Yu, 蘇匯宇, SU Yaohua, 蘇瑤華, WANG Rainn Pinhwa, 王品驊, WU Yinghui, 吳根慧