'Bali Conversations' is an annual event started from 2008, held in Bali that involves artists, collectors, and scholars to engage in sophisticated conversations, which later are transcribed and published as an edited volume. Its aim is to provide a space in which continuous dialogue of every aspect of contemporary art in China can take place and sustain. The titling of 'conversations', as preferred over 'workshop', 'conference' or other similar terminologies is to refuse a pre-determined format of the discussion.

The 2010 edition of 'Bali Conversations', held in August 2010, touches the themes of criticism, theory, and historicisation, as well as the critical landscape of contemporary art in China. Further topics include the question of the system, the question of discourse authority and the relationship between Chinese contemporary art and world contemporary art.

Includes photographs of the event, and notes on contributors.

Alternative title

2010 ba li dao dui hua: dang dai yi shu shi ge chang kai de wu zi

Access level


Location code

Chinese - Simplified, 


Publication/Creation date


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No of copies


Content type

conference proceedings

Chapter headings

Opening Remarks / 開場白

The Contemporary Art System and Art Museums / 當代藝術體制與美術館

'Credibility' in Contemporary Chinese Art / 當代藝術的「公信力」

Contemporary Art Research Mechanisms / 當代藝術的研究機制

The Critical Environment of Contemporary Art / 當代藝術的批評環境

Linguistic Thinking in Contemporary Art Criticism / 當代藝術批評中的語言思維

Chinese Subjectivity and World Art History / 中國主體性與世界美術史

Historical Compositions and Education in Contemporary Art / 當代藝術的史論寫作與教育

Contemporary Art, the Market and Criticism / 當代藝術,市場與批評

Artists' Stories / 藝術家的故事

2010 Bali Conversations: Contemporary Art is an Open House
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2010 Bali Conversations: Contemporary Art is an Open House, 2010 巴厘島對話:當代藝術是個敞開的屋子