Featuring works by over 80 contemporary Chinese artists, this book begins with an overview of Chinese art history from the 18th century to the late 1970s, followed by a detailed study of its progress during the following 20 years and especially the most recent decade. The author recounts significant historical events, ideas, and trends, and introduces leading figures in the art world, placing them in the context of China's social and cultural changes. Bibliography and index included.
Alternative title

China! New Art and Artists

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BAO Lede, 寶樂德

CAI Jin, 蔡錦

CHEN Danqing, 陳丹青

CHEN Xinmao, 陳心懋

CHENG Conglin, 程叢林

DENG Jianjin, 鄧箭今

DING Yi, 丁乙

FAN Bo, 范勃

FANG Lijun, 方力鈞

FANG Tu, 方土

FENG Bin, 馮斌

FENG Jiali, 奉家麗

FENG Zhengjie, 俸正杰

GENG Jianyi, 耿建翌

GU Wenda, 谷文達

GUO Jin, 郭晉

GUO Wei, 郭偉

HAI Rihan, 海日汗

HE Duoling, 何多苓

HE Sen, 何森

HU Xiangdong, 胡向東

HUANG Yihan, 黃一瀚

JIA Difei, 賈滌非

JIANG Hai, 江海

JING Kewen, 景柯文

KU Yingching, 顧迎慶

LENG Jun, 冷軍

LI Ji, 李季

LI Jin, 李津

LI Xiaoxuan, 李孝萱

LIANG Quan, 梁銓

LIAO Haiying, 廖海瑛

LIN Chunyan, 林春岩

LIU Dahong, 劉大鴻

LIU Hong, 劉虹

LIU Hongyuan, 劉宏源

LIU Xiaodong, 劉小東

LIU Ye, 劉野

LIU Zheng, 劉崢

LIU Zijian, 劉子建

LUO Fahui, 羅發輝

LUO Zhongli, 羅中立

Luo Brothers, 羅氏兄弟

MA Lin, 馬琳

MAO Xuhui, 毛旭輝

MING Jing, 明鏡

PAN Ying, 潘纓

QI Haiping, 祁海平

QIN Feng, 秦風

REN Xiaolin, 任小林

SHA Jin, 沙金

SHANG Yang, 尚揚

SHEN Ling, 申玲

SHEN Xiaotong, 沈曉彤

SHI Chong, 石沖

SONG Yonghong, 宋永紅

SONG Yongping, 宋永平

SU Qun

SU Xinping, 蘇新平

SUN Liang, 孫良

TAN Genxiong, 譚根雄

TANG Zhigang, 唐志岡

WANG Guangyi, 王廣義

WANG Jinsong, 王勁松

WANG Longsheng, 王龍生

WANG Yin, 王音

WANG Yuping, 王玉平

WEI Qingji, 魏青吉

XIANG Dingdang, 響叮當

XIE Nanxing, 謝南星

XIN Dongwang, 忻東旺

XIN Haizhou, 忻海洲

XU Bing, 徐冰

YANG Jinsong, 楊勁松

YANG Qian, 楊千

YANG Shaobin, 楊少斌

YANG Shu, 楊述

YANG Wei, 楊衛

YE Yongqing, 葉永青

YU Hong, 喻紅

YUE Minjun, 岳敏君

ZENG Hao, 曾浩

ZHANG Jingsheng, 張京生

ZHANG Peili, 張培力

ZHANG Xiaogang, 張曉剛

ZHANG Yu, 張羽

ZHAO Kailin, 趙開琳

ZHAO Nengzhi, 趙能智

ZHONG Biao, 鐘飆

ZHOU Chunya, 周春芽

ZHOU Yong, 周湧

ZHU Jin, 朱進

ZHU Xinjian, 朱新建

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Chapter headings


1. A Hundred Years of Chinese Art

2. After the Cultural Revolution: The Birth of China's New Art

3. Post-1989 to the Early 1990s: China's New Art

4. The End of the Century: Pluralistic Aspects of China's New Art

Final Words


China! New Art & Artists
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China! New Art & Artists