In writing about the art of Hoo Mojong, Ian Findlay (publisher and editor of Asian Arts News) says, ‘Hoo’s figurative art is confident, reflective, compassionate and immediate…, there is a certain simplicity, a sense of poetry in her narrative, and stillness which suggests a deep spiritual awareness of her subject. Perhaps this sense of the spiritual is the subtle connection with the East behind the Western surfaces for Hoo has always gone against the grain…, her work is consistent in theme and style, in colour, form and emotion.’ Born in China, Hoo first moved to Brazil in 1950, and then to Paris in 1965 where mastered basic drawing skills at the Academie de La Grande Chaumiere. The paintings presented in this exhibition catalogue feature mainly her still life of fruit and vegetables. Also included in this publication is a biography of Hoo Mojong and articles written by both Chinese and French art critics on her art.

《Asian Arts News》的發行人及編輯對賀慕群的畫風有這樣的評價:「賀慕群的具象畫奔放自如、深思熟慮、情感洋溢、毫無矯飾……,其畫風簡潔明朗、詩意盎然,靜寂的畫面突顯了畫家對題材的深層瞭解。也許正是這種特有的神韻,使這批看似西化的作品散發出獨特的東方魅力……,在她的筆下,色彩、形體和情感相互呼應、渾然天成。」賀慕群生於中國,1950年遷居巴西,再於1965年移居巴黎,其後入讀大茅屋學院,研習基礎素描。本圖錄收錄的作品以蔬果靜物畫為主,並附有畫家簡歷及中法藝評人的評論。
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Chinese - Traditional, 



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artist monograph, 


Chapter headings

來自巴黎的南美風味 - SHEN Roujian, 沈柔堅

Mojong - Parisienne d'Adoption - Gerard HENRY, 敖樹克

Hoo Mojong Oil Paintings
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Hoo Mojong Oil Paintings, 賀慕群油畫