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Xian dai mei shu, Taipei Fine Arts Museum Quarterly, 臺北市立美術館館刊, Tai bei shi li mei shu guan guan kan

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Chinese - Traditional

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Chapter headings

Abstract painting in Taiwan 1960-1969 (六0年代抽象風格的表現) - LIAO Tsun-ling, 廖春鈴

A phase of Taiwanese avant-garde: complex art in the 1960s and its influence (台灣前衛運動的消長: 從六0年複合藝術的開展談起) - LAI Yingying, 賴瑛瑛

A look back: forty years of reminiscing, forum on 'The experimental sixties: avant-garde art in Taiwan' (藝壇老兵話當年, 四十寒暑見證人: 「前衛: 六0年代台灣美術發展」座談紀錄) - Celine CHEN, 陳淑鈴

Input New Heading HereUnder the mask of a hero: Tung-Lu Hung and his work (假面英雄: 洪東祿及其作品) - Shujun LO, 羅淑君

In the tranquility of light: on Shi song's 'The pictures of time' (在光的寧靜裡: 看奚淞的「光陰十帖」) - YANG Ming-Eh, 楊明鍔

the imagery and time from nostalgic postcards: Ku Ying-Sheng's latest work 'Mother and the landscape I remember' and 'Mother' (從明信片的鄉愁中尋得的影像與時代: 郭英聲的新作「母親‧與我記憶中的風景」與「母親」 - LEE Shuping, 李淑萍

ASAI, Chu and 'Yushima-Seido-Taiseiden, shrine of Confucius' (淺 忠與「湯島聖堂大成殿」) - LIN Chiaopi, 林皎碧

'Nymph, york, Mountain wind' by Wu Song-Ming (吳松明「水神、牛軛、山風」) - LIN Kelly, 林宜君

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Modern Art (No.110), 現代美術 (第110期)