Paroles is a journal published by l'Alliance Francaise de Hong Kong. In this issue, the 2005 Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition is featured. With reviews by Gerard Henry of Cedric Maridet's Huangpu (showcased in the biennial exhibition); Jolans Fung's Unity (at 1a space); and Mediation and Narration - Contemporary Ink Exhibition (at the Artist Commune). Also included in this issue is an article on the topic of diaspora.

Alternative title

Dong xi tan

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Location code
PER.PAR (Please ask staff for assistance)

Chinese - Traditional, 


Publication/Creation date

Jan 2006

Publication status

In print

No of copies


Content type


Chapter headings

Biennale de Hong Kong: l'obsession du passe, le paysage urbain, la nature revisitee - Gerard HENRY, 敖樹克

'Huangpu' de Cedric Maridet - Gerard HENRY, 敖樹克

'Unity' de Jolans Fung - Gerard HENRY, 敖樹克

'Entre le passe et le futur' encres contemporaines - Gerard HENRY, 敖樹克

I like Hong Kong II: Diaspora Topique - Frank VIGNERON, 韋一空

Rights statement

In Copyright

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This item is covered by one or more copyrights. It is available for research only or use within Hong Kong’s fair dealing rules. Please do not copy, re-use or reproduce this item without the permission of the copyright holder.

Paroles (No. 201, Jan/Feb 2006), 東西譚