This is the catalogue of Qu Leilei’s first one-man show in Singapore. As W.Y. Choy, one of the contributors, writes, ‘The art of Qu Leilei is about the making of an artist caught up in harsh extraneous circumstances and his eventual triumph over his predicament through courage and foresight’. A variety of works, including drawings, paintings and collages, are presented here, together with essays which further our understanding of the artist and his works. A biography of the artist is also included.

本書是曲磊磊首次在新加坡舉辦個展的圖錄。本書的撰稿人之一W.Y. Choy寫道:「在曲磊磊的作品中,我們看到的是一個困頓落魄、與現實世界格格不入的藝術家,但他終於憑著勇氣和真知灼見走出了困局。」本書收錄的作品種類不一,諸如素描、繪畫和拼貼畫等,並刊載了多篇剖析畫家風格的評論及畫家簡歷。
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Chinese - Simplified, 


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artist monograph, 


Chapter headings

歷史在沉默中浮現 -- 星星畫會曲磊磊倫敦畫展 - MA Jian, 馬健

初識曲磊磊 - AH NIAN, 阿年

Qu Leilei: Memories and Reflections - Wengyang CHOY, 蔡荣恩

Qu Leilei Art Exhibition
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Qu Leilei Art Exhibition, 曲磊磊畫展特刊