This exhibition catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition 'Shamans & Dissent' from July to November 2013 in Hong Kong. The exhibition is an extension of the 2011 West Heavens Artist Dispatch project, as a platform for the exchange of culture and ideas between India and China. It also carries forth West Heaven's core task of re-examining the culture and thinking of Asian modernities.

'The Artist Dispatch project is a small experiment that give artists complete freedom to use their own individual approaches and perceptions to engage with each other's worlds. These artists are both travelers and spirit mediums, using their own unique means to discover and experience a new territory, and at the same time using their encounters to energize and stimulate their own psyches.' (excerpt from Preface by Chang Tsong-Zung)

The catalogue contains works by the various artists under the project, in the form of paintings, photography, installations and other media. Includes essays, artist interviews, artist biographies, curator biography and contributor biographies.

Alternative title

Wu shi yu yi jian | West Heavens Artist Dispatch Project Exhibition | 西天中土藝術家特派展覽

Access level


Location code

Chinese - Traditional, 


Publication/Creation date


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No of copies


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Chapter headings

Preface: Journey to the Outpost / 前言: 遊走的前哨 - CHANG Tsongzung Johnson, 張頌仁

Open and Connected - Shamans and Dissent Exhibition / 開放與連結: 關於'巫士與異見'展覽 - ZHENG Hueihua Amy, 鄭慧華

Shamanism on Display: Dissent and the Production of Space / 巫士召靈的展覽: 異見與空間生產 - GONG Jowjiun, 龔卓軍

Conversation between Gao Shiming and Liu Wei / 高士明與劉韡的對話

Conversation between Chen Yun and Prajakta Potnis / 陳韻與普拉賈克塔・波特尼斯的對話

Conversation between Amy Cheng and Zheng Bo / 鄭慧華與鄭波的對話

Conversation between Chen Yun and Dhrupadi Ghosh / 陳韻與朱帕蒂・高希的對話

Conversation between Yu Wei and Lin Chiwei / 遊崴與林其蔚的對話

Shamans and Dissent
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Shamans and Dissent, 巫士與異見