This forum was organised in conjunction with The Third Taiwan Avand-garde Documenta Exhibition (C06). Invited speakers include: Jürgen Knubben (Germany), Kim Yu Yeon (Korea/United States) and Hou Hanru (China/France). With keynote speeches, case studies, panel discussions, and biographies of the panelists and speakers.

是次論壇在第三屆台灣前衛文件展舉行期間召開。受邀出席的講者包括:尤根.克努本 (德國)、金有燕 (韓 / 美) 及侯瀚如 (中 / 法) 。此書收錄了專題演講辭、個案研究和小組討論的記錄,以及主講者 / 與談人的簡歷。
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Chinese - Traditional, 


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Chapter headings

Keynote Speech

視覺與經驗: 文化作為人類存在與社會的構成性元素 (in German and Chinese) - Jurgen KNUBBEN

The Politics of Expression: Poetics of informational constraints in East Asia - KIM Yuyeon, 김유연

Beyond the Speed, beyond the Asia - HOU Hanru, 侯瀚如

Case Study

From the Decisive Moment to the Duration of Plasticity: Tetsuya Nakashima's 'super man team' - Jon SOLOMON

Spatial Limbo and Differ(a)nce - KANG Minjay, 康旻杰

From 'Next to Us' to 'Excess' Report on the 2006 Taiwan Avant-garde Documenta - CHEN Taisong, 陳泰松

Input New Heading Here

A Never Ending Story: The idea behind producing an interbreeding field - LU Lihuang, 呂理煌

Trans-architecture: Urban Space Renewal Based on the Intervention of Arts - LIU Shunjen, 劉舜仁

A Slow Revolution: The Aesthetics of Chewing Carefully, Swallowing Slowly and Hand Crafting: A Work Report of Experiences Concerning Two Issues - LIN Ping, 林平

Strategy of Museum Management and Curatorial Work under Globalization: Curator's Report on the Future Museum of National Palace Museum - LIN Chiming, 林志明

Panel Discussion

A Western View in an Asian Forum

Symbols, Post Colonial Language and Cultural Translation

Asia, Implosion and its Globalization

The Political Economy of Speed: Asian Contemporary Art Forum
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The Political Economy of Speed: Asian Contemporary Art Forum, 速度的政治經濟學: 亞洲當代藝術論壇