Talk by Hong Kong-based architecture and design studio COLLECTIVE.
Architect Betty Ng discusses forming COLLECTIVE in response to the range and depth of Hong Kong's art ecology, where opportunities to build sites that give credence to a burgeoning set of art practices continue to grow. She will also present their current work-in-progress as the selected architects for AAA's Open Platform 2016 booth commission. Ng is joined in conversation by SKY YUTAKA, the coordinating architects of the Open Platform 2015 booth and as part of the 2015 Hong Kong and Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture curatorial team.
COLLECTIVE is a Hong Kong-based, idea-driven design studio focusing on architecture, interior, and experiential art and design. Betty Ng (MA in Architecture, Harvard University) leads the studio and prior to setting up COLLECTIVE, she was Design Director at OMA Rotterdam with Rem Koolhaas and worked with Herzog and de Meuron in Basel. Ng has worked on projects spanning locations in Africa, Australia, China, the European Union, the Middle East, Russia, South East Asia, and the United States.
SKY YUTAKA is an architecture design studio founded by architects Sarah Kwok Yan Lee and Yutaka Yano in Hong Kong. They are currently part of the curatorial team for the 2015 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture in Hong Kong and Shenzen. Selected as coordinating architects for AAA's Open Platform 2015 booth commission with Studio Christian Wassmann and Francesca Grassi, SKY YUTAKA are members of the advisory committee that selected COLLECTIVE for AAA's Open Platform 2016 programme in partnership with Art Basel's show in Hong Kong.
Attendees are required to register on-site upon entry to the Cheung Kong Building. Registrants must also collect a second badge at reception on the 25/F to attend the programme. Walk-in badges to be administered on-site.
Thank you to Bloomberg for hosting the talk and their ongoing support of AAA's programme videos online.
The programme is organised in association with the 2015 Hong Kong and Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture.
AAA is a Cultural Partner of the 2016 Hong Kong edition of Art Basel.