Join us for a talk on the Jyotsna Bhatt Archive, AAA’s latest Research Collection.
In this talk, Sneha Ragavan, Senior Researcher at Asia Art Archive, introduces the archive of Jyotsna Bhatt (1940–2020). Comprising over 600 records, the Jyotsna Bhatt Archive provides insight into the life and practice of the eminent Indian ceramicist, and the local and international milieus of which she was a part.
Ragavan first considers the posthumous nature of the archive’s construction and proposes new ways of reading the archive. Secondly, drawing on exhibition catalogues, event ephemera, and photo-documentation of workshops and demonstrations, she examines the forms, infrastructures, and methods of ceramics as a collective practice. Lastly, she examines the artist’s sketchbooks as an innovative site for understanding Bhatt’s practice as a female artist and educator.
Free and open to the public with registration.

Sneha Ragavan is Senior Researcher and Head of Asia Art Archive in India. Based in New Delhi, she works with colleagues to develop AAA’s research projects and collections relating to South Asia.