New Moon Publishing is a publication project that unfolds over twelve months. Initiated by artist Verina Gfader, it explores calendar time as a representation of the physio-temporal relations between the earth and the sun, as well as the earth and the moon. New Moon Publishing features twelve chapters by twelve contributors who responded to Gfader’s prompt to imagine “AAA and its surroundings in the year 6083.”
Each chapter will only be available for seven days following each new moon date in 2020. Please visit this page during these dates in the coming months to see the contributions:
25–31 January: Anjeline de Dios
23–29 February: Cédric Maridet
24–30 March: Susanna Chung
23–29 April: Wing Chan
23–29 May: Michelle Wong
21–27 June: Elysa Wendi
21–27 July: David Leung
19–25 August: Alice Teng
17–23 September: Morgan Wong
17–23 October: Wilson Chik
15–20 November: John Tain
15–21 December: Özge Ersoy
The publication is the culmination of Verina Gfader’s residency in 2017.