Following up on March’s Wikipedia Edit-a-thon on Women in Art in Asia, M+, West Kowloon Cultural District and Asia Art Archive present a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon on exhibition histories in Asia. With the assistance of Wikimedia User Group Hong Kong, the event invites participants to discuss, create, share, and improve articles and information about exhibition histories in and about Asia on Wikipedia.
Aligned with Wikipedia Asian Month 2018, which addresses the underrepresentation of articles about Asia on Wikipedia, this event is part of an ongoing effort to contribute to discussions about the representation of art and visual culture in Asia on open source knowledge platforms. The edit-a-thon helps participants edit Wikipedia to improve its coverage of art exhibition histories in Asia.
The edit-a-thon is also part of AAA’s long-term engagement and ongoing enquiry into the role of exhibitions as primary sites of art histories in Asia. AAA’s collections, programmes, research projects, and publications about exhibitions and their expanded traces include the Sites of Construction conference in 2013; research collections, such as China Avant-Garde Exhibition Archive, Ha Bik Chuen Archive, Out of Context Research Project, and A History of Exhibitions: Shanghai 1979–2006; library materials, including from key exhibitions of women artists that took place in Asia between the 1990s and 2010s; and shortlists compiled by leading art historians, including “Exhibition as Site” by Iftikhar Dadi, “Exhibition as Site: Extended Case Study, China 1993” by Jane DeBevoise, “Exhibition as Cartographic Articulation” by Joan Kee, and “Exhibition as Art Historical Proposition” by Patrick Flores.
The event is free and open to the public with registration.
If you are in New York, please join us at the parallel edit-a-thon organised by Asia Art Archive in America at their Brooklyn office on 27 November. Email for more information.

Before the Edit-a-thon
- Enroll as an editor on the event dashboard. (Passcode: exhibitionhistories)
- Prepare ideas for creating or improving articles on Wikipedia. We will be providing research materials in the form of books, articles, etc., on the day; but please feel free to research beforehand.
- For online tutorials, click here for “Editing Wikipedia: A guide to improving content on the online encyclopedia”; and here for “Illustrating Wikipedia: A guide to contributing content to Wikimedia Commons.”
On the Day of the Edit-a-thon
There will be a thirty-minute tutorial at the beginning of the session, led by the M+ and AAA teams. The Hong Kong Wikimedia User Group will be there to assist us with technical questions.
Please remember to bring your laptop, power cord, and, if you want to prepare beforehand, sources for your chosen article(s). M+ and AAA will provide reference books and other resources on-site.
Special thanks to Wikimedia User Group Hong Kong, Wikipedia Asian Month, and Wikimedia Taiwan for their support and advice.
New articles:
- Group 1890 (1963)
- From Space to Environment (1966)
- Contemporary Indian Art (1982)
- Out of Context (1987)
- The Other Story (1989)
- China's New Art, Post-1989 (1993)
- Traditions/Tensions (1996)
- Cities on the Move (1997)
- Canton Express (2003)
- Mapping Asia (2014)
Edited articles:
- Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo (est.1938)
- China/Avant-Garde Exhibition (1989)