Featuring Sun Xun, the Best Young Artist of 2010 Chinese Contemporary Art Awards (CCAA), this book gathers the artist's significant series of animations - including Heroes no longer (2008), New China (2008), Coal Spell (2008) and 21G (2010) -, plus a wide range of examples from his work spanning from 2004 to 2010, ranging from utopia in the day (2004), to Requiem (2007) and Clown's Revolution (2010), to name but a few. Also featured are his murals, ink paintings, installations as well as the multiple mixed-media works, often touching on China's political and historical issues as his films do. Mingling real images and ink paintings while minimising the use of modern technologies, Sun Xun's animation films redefine 'cinema' in the new media age.

Including Chris Dercon and James Elaine's texts, artist's notes, interview concerning New China, and essay by Zhu Haijian, this catalogue accompanies the 2010 CCAA, which highlights and appreciates talents of Chinese artists and critics, as well as their contributions to the Chinese contemporary culture since its establishment in 1997.

With artist biography.
Alternative title

2010 zhong guo dang dai yi shu jiang. zui jia nian qing yi shu jia: sun xun

Access level


Location code

Chinese - Simplified, 


Publication/Creation date


No of pages




No of copies


Content type

artist monograph

Chapter headings

Best Young Artist Sun Xun/ 最佳年輕藝術家獎 孫遜 - Chris DERCON

Flipping My Work around?/ 作品的反面? - SUN Xun, 孫遜

Art Forum - Questions about New China/ 關於新中國的訪談

12+ Contemporary International Experimental Filmmaker - Sunxun: Art Was No Standards/ 12+ 當代國際實驗電影人-孫遜:藝術本來就沒有標準 - ZHU Haijian, 朱海健

2010 Chinese Contemporary Art Awards Best Young Artist: Sun Xun
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2010 Chinese Contemporary Art Awards Best Young Artist: Sun Xun, 2010中國當代藝術獎.最佳年輕藝術家:孫遜