This book concerns documentation and documenting arts and culture with government officials regarding the politics of claim and the politics of access. The politics of claim refers to the motive for documentation based on an understanding that archives are necessary for strengthening claims to ownership, whereas the politics of access concerns the accessibility and openness of the data, especially on online platforms. The two are the basis of the processes of the documentation of arts and culture in the context of the discourse around sovereignty in nation states, especially in particular countries with the position of former colonies.

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Chapter headings

Recycling! Archival Work and Archiving Art and Culture in Indonesia - Yoshi Fajar Kresno Murti

The Practice of Clipping as Fuel for Cultural Intelligence - Muhidin M. DAHLAN

Remembering the Body: The Dancing Body as an Archive - Helly MINARTI

The Archi(ve)tecture of Art Music in Indonesia in our Time (Ideology and Criticism) - Erie Setiawan

Pak Misbach: The Archive behind the Recording of 'Anak Sabiran: Behind the Glow of the Glitter' - Hafiz RANCAJALE

Invigorating the Archive, Creating Discourse: The Importance of he Archive for Social Movements - Anna Mariana

Action Posters Reject Reclamation in Teluk Benoa and Fight for Bali's Future - GDE PUTRA

(Personal) Archiving and History: Medayu Agung and Oei Hiem Hwie - Kathleen AZALI

Dynamic Archives: Archiving Traditional Art, Managing Interaction - Joned Suryatmoko

Opening Catalogues, Revealing Ideologies - Galatia Puspa Sani Nugroho

Reading the City: Concise Article, Archival Work and Archiving Arts and Culture

- Indonesian Visual Art Archive

Theorizing the Archive: Corporealness, Decolnization of Thinking and Tactics, and Playfulness of Memory - Rachmi Diyah Larasati

Arispelago! Archival Work and Archiving Art and Culture in Indonesia
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Arispelago! Archival Work and Archiving Art and Culture in Indonesia