Catalogue of installation exhibition by Cai Guoqiang in collaboration with renowned Taiwanese choreographer Lin Hwaimin at Eslite Gallery in 2006. In spring 2005, Cai Guoqiang invited Lin to participate in his creative team for the 2008 Olympic opening and closing ceremonies. And in turn Lin Hwaimin invited Cai to collaborate with Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, to provide ideas and direct the conceptual and visual aspects of the dance piece Wind Shadow. Inspired by the beauty of Cloud Gate's dancers, Cai created explosion works with gunpowder on charcoal sketches of the dancers. The present catalogue includes writings by Cai Guoqiang and Lin Hwaimin, together with dialogues and correspondences between the two. Also with documentation of Cai making gunpowder drawings at Cloud Gate Dance Theatre Bali Studio.

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Chinese - Traditional, 


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Content type

artist monograph, 


Chapter headings

Higher and Brighter - LIN Huaimin, 林懷民

Three More Sentences - CAI Guoqiang, 蔡國強

Cai Guo-Qiang vs. Lin Hwai-min - The Chance Meeting and Formation of Wind Shadow

Captured Wind Arrested Shadow: Cai Guo-Qiang and Lin Hwai-min' Wind Shadow
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Captured Wind Arrested Shadow: Cai Guo-Qiang and Lin Hwai-min' Wind Shadow, 捕風捉影:蔡國強與林懷民的風影