The Cruel/Loving Bodies project grew out of an artists' panel proposed for an international conference on Century of Chinese Feminist Thought at Fudan University in Shanghai. Sasha Suling Welland wrote, 'Cruel/Loving Bodies memorializes various pasts on the verge of getting forgotten. Its participants revisit history, personal and collective, in order to reassess totalizing visions of progress caught up in a forward-motion-only tilt. They do so by exploring the conflict of feelings that reside in the body and refuse easy resolution.' Artist biographies are provided in the catalogue. Other participating artist includes UK artist Neil Conroy.

《酷 / 愛身體》與上海復旦大學主辦的「百年中國女權思潮研究」國際研討會同期舉行。策展人魏淑凌撰文指出:「《酷 / 愛身體》記述的是一些瀕臨遺忘的歷史記憶。通過回顧一些個人和集體的回憶片段,參加者得以反思大一統視野所呈現的單向發展步伐。在反思的過程中,他們亦須正視蟄伏於於內心深處、難以排解的情感掙扎。」英國藝術家Neil Conroy亦是參展藝術家之一。本圖錄亦載有藝術家簡歷。

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Chapter headings

Cruel / Loving Bodies: Crossing the Line - Sasha Suling WELLAND, 魏淑淩

Change and Fabrication: The Body as Site for the Feminie and Inter-Cultural - Lesley SANDERSON

Lift the Cover from Your Head - HE Chengyao, 何成瑤

Afternotes (abridged from the Chinese version) - LEUNG Po Shan Anthony, 梁寶山

Casting the Mold of Female Body and Identity: Reinterpreting Guang Lienu Zhuan (Biographies of Exemplary Women) - BAI Chongmin, 白崇民, WU Weihe, 吳瑋禾

Objects of Mis-affection - Mayling TO, 杜美玲

Cruel / Loving Bodies - susan pui san lok, 駱佩珊

Cruel / Loving Bodies
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Cruel / Loving Bodies, 酷 / 愛身體