In this book, Wu Hung raises timely questions about artistic freedom and censorship. In the Smart Museum's exhibition 'Canceled: Exhibiting Experimental Art in China', Wu uses the government's cancellation of the exhibition 'It's Me' (Beijing, 1998) to anchor his analysis of the myriad problems facing contemporary Chinese artists and curators in their struggle to exhibit experimental art. During this time of rapid change in mainland China, artists and curators are seeking new ways to show work, and finding new allies, patrons and audiences. They are investigating ways to respond to official antagonism, to realize the potential of experimental art in the public sphere, and to maintain the independence of this art in an increasingly commercialized society. Wu addresses these issues through a survey of current exhibition practices, a discussion of the Smart Museum exhibition, a case study of 'It's Me', and a rich collection of primary materials from eleven recent exhibitions. By introducing readers to the complex milieu of experimental artists and curators in China, Wu makes a major contribution to the growing scholarship on contemporary Chinese culture.

*Currently unavailable. The Item is loaned out for a book display until 26 May 2024*

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CAI Guoqiang, 蔡國強

CAI Qing, 蔡青

CANG Xin, 蒼鑫

CHEN Lingyang, 陳羚羊

CHEN Qingqing, 陳慶慶

CHEN Wenbo, 陳文波

DAI Guangyu, 戴光郁

DU Bingbing, 杜冰冰

FANG Lijun, 方力鈞

FENG Xiaoying, 馮曉穎

FENG Zhengjie, 俸正杰

GENG Jianyi, 耿建翌

GU Dexin, 顧德新

GU Wenda, 谷文達

GUO Jin, 郭晉

HONG Hao, 洪浩

HU Xiangdong, 胡向東

HUANG Zhuan, 黃專

LI Shan, 李山

LI Tianyuan, 李天元

LIANG Yue, 梁越

LIN Yilin, 林一林

LIU Fenghua, 劉楓樺

LIU Jianhua, 劉建華

LIU Wei, 劉煒

LU Hao, 盧昊

LUO Zhongli, 羅中立

MA Liuming, 馬六明

PENG Yu, 彭禹

QI Zhilong, 祁志龍

QIN Ga, 琴嘎

QIU Zhijie, 邱志傑

RUAN Lingyu

SHEN Ling, 申玲

SHENG Qi, 盛奇

SHI Chong, 石沖

SHI Qing, 石青

SONG Dong, 宋冬

SUI Jianguo, 隋建國

SUN Yuan, 孫原

TANG Song, 唐宋

The Stars, 星星畫會

TIAN Zizhong, 田子仲

WANG Gongxin, 王功新

WANG Guangyi, 王廣義

WANG Jianwei, 汪建偉

WANG Jin, 王晉

WANG Luyan, 王魯炎

WANG Nengtao, 王能濤

WANG Qiang (b. 1963), 王強

WANG Tiande, 王天德

WANG Wei, 王衛

WENG Fen, 翁奮

WU Minghui, 吳明暉

WU Wenguang, 吳文光

WU Xiaojun, 吳小軍

XIA Xing, 夏星

XIAO Lu, 蕭魯

XIAO Yu, 蕭昱

XU Bing, 徐冰

XU Ruotao, 徐若濤

XU Yihui, 徐一暉

XU Zhen, 徐震

YAN Lei, 顏磊

YANG Zhenzhong, 楊振中

YIN Xiuzhen, 尹秀珍

YU Youhan, 余友涵

YUE Minjun, 岳敏君

ZENG Fanzhi, 曾梵志

ZHAN Wang, 展望

ZHANG Dali, 張大力

ZHANG Hanzi, 張涵子

ZHANG Nian, 張念

ZHANG Peili, 張培力

ZHANG Xiaogang, 張曉剛

ZHANG Xin, 張新

ZHAO Bandi, 趙半狄

ZHAO Liang, 趙亮

ZHENG Guogu, 鄭國谷

ZHOU Tiehai, 周鐵海

ZHU Fadong, 朱發東

ZHU Ming, 朱冥

ZHU Yu, 朱昱

ZHUANG Hui, 莊輝

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Chapter headings

Introduction: Exhibiting Experimental Art in China

Part One: Canceled: An Exhibition about an Exhibition

Part Two: It's Me: A Case Study

Part Three: Twelve Experimental Exhibitions: A Documentary History

Exhibiting Experimental Art in China
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Exhibiting Experimental Art in China