Catalogue published to accompany the annual flagship exhibition 'Familiar Otherness: Art Across Northeast Asia' at the Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre from December 2015 to January 2016.

'The 7th annual flagship exhibition of Hong Kong Arts Centre "Familiar Otherness: Art Across Northeast Asia" explores the art of Northeast Asia (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and North Korea) with works that result from the artists’ cross-cultural experiences or thinking. The art pieces will transcend the current socio-political differences of the region, and trace back the similar histories and traditions of these countries. This exhibition is guest-curated by Chinese independent curator Huang Du, exhibiting works by fifteen artists.

Northeast Asia is a geographical as well as geopolitical concept. The countries and regions therein have their traditional cultures intertwined, and yet ideological competitions still exist after the end of the Cold War, leading to the very different artistic development in each country. "Familiar Otherness: Art Across Northeast Asia" attempts to overcome the political differences, crossing national and cultural boundaries, and bringing creative and artistic exchanges from interesting areas of the world. The exhibition investigates into Northeast Asian art from four perspectives: “Dream and Reality” to interpret the struggle between subjective ideals and objective environment; “Daily Life and Transcendence” to explore how the artists sublime daily objects to an aesthetic level; “Context and Involvement” to unfold artists’ concern for social conditions; and “Filtering and Amplification” to highlight artists’ unlimited creativity.' - excerpted from Hong Kong Arts Centre's website

Includes biographies of participating artists and curator, brief summary of works and a guidebook featured in the exhibition.


「第七屆香港藝術中心年度旗艦展覽《文化碰撞:穿越東北亞》,探索東北亞地區(包括中國、香港、台灣、日本、韓國、朝鮮)的藝術,展出多位藝術家在文化碰撞下的創作,以藝術穿越東北地區當下的政治經濟分野,並回溯各國互為影響的歷史傳統。展覽由中國獨立策展人黃篤策劃,展出共十 五位當代藝術家的作品。

東北亞是一個地理概念,也是一個地緣政治概念。當中各個國家和地區的傳統文化互相轇轕糾纏,而冷戰結束後各種意識形態之爭並未消退,令東北亞各地的藝術有著截然不同的發展。《文化碰撞:穿越東北亞》嘗試克服現實政治分野,跨越國家、文化界限,讓不同文化在碰撞之間能夠充分交流。展覽以四個角度切入對東北亞藝術的尋究:「夢想與現實」解讀主觀理想與客觀環境的矛盾;「日常與超驗」探討藝術家如何將日常物件昇華至美學層面;「語境與介入」展現藝術家如何關注社會狀況;及「過濾與放大」彰顯藝術家的天馬行空。 - 節錄自香港藝術中心網頁

Alternative title

Wen hua peng zhuang chuan yue dong bei ya | Hong Kong Art Centre Flagship Exhibition | 香港藝術中心年度旗艦展覽 | Xiang gang yi shu zhong xin nian du qi jian zhan lan

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Chinese - Traditional, 


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Chapter headings

Curatorial Statement | 策展人的話 - HUANG Du, 黃篤

Familiar Otherness: Art Across Northeast Asia
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Familiar Otherness: Art Across Northeast Asia, 文化碰撞:穿越東北亞