Alternative title

Ju xiang + chou xiang: xiang gang dang dai you hua shui cai ban hua zhan - zhan lan wen ji

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Chinese - Traditional, 


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Chapter headings

Figurative and Abstract – An Introduction | 具象 + 抽象 ── 藝展引言 - LEE Yun Woon, 李潤桓

Thoughts about Hong Kong Contemporary Art | 香港當代藝術隨想 - MOK Karleung Harold, 莫家良

A Creative Question that Requires Serious Research | 要認真研究創作問題 - WU Changjiang, 吳長江

How about the Painters in Hong Kong? | 香港畫家怎麼辦? - YIM Maukun, 冉茂芹

Several Propositions on Development of Printmaking in the Field of Creative Industries | 創意產業中版畫的發展策略淺析 - SOU Puikun, 蘇沛權

The Relationship Between the Expression of Abstract Art and the Philosophical Concepts of Chinese Taoism | 抽象藝術的表現形式與中國道家哲學觀念的關係 - LAI Minghoi Victor, 黎明海

My Wife is Ink | 我太太係水墨 - WONG Hau Kwei, 黃孝逵

The Nature and Depth in Creative Transformation | 創作的演變和深化 - Gaylord CHAN, 陳餘生

A Few Words on the “Figurative + Abstract” Exhibition| 為具象 + 抽象畫展說幾句閒話 - AUYEUNG Nai Chim, 歐陽乃霑

Examination on Modern Watercolours | 現代水彩畫的沿革與賞析 - LIEW Come Tong, 劉欽棟

A Brief Note on the Hong Kong Art Scene | 香港藝壇散記 - CHO Yeoujui, 卓有瑞

In a Large Scale Art Exhibition, Works are Best Selected Publicly | 大型畫展,作品應公開評選 - SHEN Ping, 沈平

In a Large Scale Art Exhibition, Works are Best Selected Publicly | 大型畫展,作品應公開評選 - LIN Minggang, 林鳴崗

A Thirty-Year Relationship with Printmaking | 情繫版畫三十年 - Judith LUI, 呂慧珠

Guangdong and Hong Kong – a Comparison of the Mainland and Hong Kong Oil Painting Art Environments | 珠江.香江 ── 從中港油畫發展現狀看兩地藝術家生存環境 - CHAN Hang, 陳鏗

A Look from Behind Paintings | 畫前畫後 - LUK Ho Sun Spencer, 陸浩燊

On Drawing and Sketch | 談Drawing和速寫 - KWOK Helen, 郭喜倫

On Sketching | 話說素描 - HAU Siuching, 侯紹政

The Core Value of Art | 藝術的核心價值 - KEUNG Jimmy, 姜志名

Figurative + Abstract: An Exhibition of Contemporary Oil Painting, Watercolour & Print of Hong Kong
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Figurative + Abstract: An Exhibition of Contemporary Oil Painting, Watercolour & Print of Hong Kong - An Exhibition Symposium, 具象+抽象:香港當代油畫水彩版畫展 ─ 展覽文集