Bringing together Chinese curators from the international art scene, the organisers attempted to 1) establish a platform on which concerns and issues faced by Chinese curators could be brought to the fore for further discussion; 2) strengthen the connection and understanding among

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Chinese - Traditional

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conference proceedings

Chapter headings

藝術的展覽與展覽的藝術:試論策展人的角色及功能 - LIN Hsinyueh, 林惺嶽

前現代化與類國際化情境:從台灣官辦展之定位與官方角色談起 - YANG Weni, 羊文漪

展覽的觀念、策略、與技術-以台灣土雞競選專案為例 - LEE Jiun-Shyan, 李俊賢

展覽策劃對於我只是藝術批評的延續 - LI Xianting, 栗憲庭

藝術為何?展覽為何?: 大陸非盈利藝術展覽的觀念變革和實際困境 - LIAO Wen, 廖雯

展覽和展覽策劃 - FEI Dawei, 費大為

後國家主義時代與當代華人藝術的位置 - GAO Minglu, 高名潞

當代藝術展覽的觀念與策略 - J.J. SHIH, 石瑞仁

低調而漸進發展的策展觀念 - HUANG Haiming, 黃海鳴

Final Report of the International Chinese Art Curator Conference 1998
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Final Report of the International Chinese Art Curator Conference 1998, 第一屆全球華人美術策展人會議文集 1998