'Hsin-yueh Lin is one of the most dynamic and authoritative figures of the Taiwanese art world, equally accomplished as a painter, art educator, cultural critic and art writer. Possessing a magnificently expansive heart and a resolute critical will, his profound, incisive words have made Lin one of the most dazzling, resonant, powerful voices of his generation.
"Hsin-yueh Lin: Enchanting Taiwan" is a major solo retrospective exhibition organized by Taipei Fine Arts Museum, offering a comprehensive study of his artistic thought and works. Lin’s assiduous efforts with both brush and pen have profoundly influenced several different periods of Taiwanese modern art. For half a century, he has built up a copious, significant collection of paintings and publications, proving himself prodigious in quality and in quantity. This exhibition is structured in three parts: The first is paintings, both oil and watercolor. From a body of 260 pieces, 138 works or sets of works were selected, produced from the mid-1960s up to 2012. Four of these are opulent, large-scale oil paintings – Returning Home(210x419cm, 1998), Blessed Hualien (218 x 654cm, 2010), Formosan Landlocked Salmon (160 x 1260cm, 2011) and Glory of the God Tree Forest (218 x 654cm, 2012) – publicly unveiled for the first time at Taipei Fine Arts Museum. Secondly, documents by or about the artist are displayed throughout all galleries. These include a biographical timeline (in both Chinese and English), dozens of exhibition catalogs and art reviews from previous years, and rare articles such as hand-written drafts of his compositions. Thirdly, the exhibition features the documentary on Hsin-yueh Lin, The Boundless River (produced by Public Television Service). These sublime, graceful paintings and essays of epic scope reveal the many dimensions of Lin’s career in art.' - from museum website.

Includes an artist biography and an annex with documents.

'本展精選藝術家自1960年代晚期至今的油畫、水彩作品138 組 / 件,包括歸鄉 ( 210x419cm, 1998 )、天佑花蓮 ( 218x654cm ,2010 )、國寶魚巡禮 ( 160x1260cm ,2011 )、台灣神木林的風雲歲月 ( 218x654cm ,2012 ),四大件油畫巨作,將在北美館首度發表隆重展出。這些豐盛而淒美動人的畫作與史詩般的論著,展現了林惺嶽藝術創作的整體風貌。 藝術家林惺嶽身兼畫家、美術教育、文化評論、藝術書寫史詩的集大成者,堪稱是台灣藝壇最有活力的藝術戰將之一,林惺嶽具有波瀾壯闊的胸懷與強韌的批判意志力,其言論深刻犀利尖銳穿刺,蔚為鏗鏘有力的時代之音,他在藝壇敢言衝撞抗衡體制的強悍行事作風,和同儕於媒體雜誌引發藝術論戰,頗受各界矚目,然而放眼台灣藝術家有些特立獨行的藝術風格,林惺嶽當屬個箇中翹楚。 林惺嶽擅長將藝術思想融入大歷史的脈絡中談論相互印證,強烈的歷史觀化為砧貶之筆,滔滔雄辯的言論與畫筆耕耘的毅力,剽悍的能量馳騁於台灣藝壇未曾停歇。林惺嶽繪畫情境的氛圍,七○年代的作品隱含孤寂、神秘、沉鬱荒誕、蒼涼與苦澀、繼而八○年初期逐漸轉變為明亮而豐饒的形象,其藝術語言的演變風格,從神秘超現實發展到現實語境的具象表現,以及台式形而上風采的面貌,題材由夢幻田園、仰視芎蒼到巨碑式的風景,自八○年代中期以來,林惺嶽特別鍾情探索台灣高山與溪水的意義,蘶峨的山岳、溪谷、急流以及雨水沖刷後裸露的奇岩,呈現在畫面上的圖像語言,彰顯激流怒濤與靜謐的河谷,充滿迷濛的空氣感與神秘的底蘊,尤其他詮釋台灣山川成為主體意識的載體至為鮮明。 林惺嶽的少年初期的生活雖然歷經坎坷,但他絲毫沒有懷憂喪志的時間,並認為只有奮鬥才是真實的人生。從幼年時即遭遇曲折乖舛而不平順的困境,經濟窘困,以及寄人籬下之苦,似乎命中註定必須堅強面對無情的命運,從創作的視角思考,林惺嶽早歲失怙而飽嚐孤獨的人生際遇,未嘗不是蘊釀超現實幻想的潛在緣由。又如另一次遭遇到生命攸關的考驗,在1978年林惺嶽因接洽西班牙現代作品交流展,他搭乘韓航707班機,客機誤闖蘇俄境內領空,遭遇到米格二十五戰鬥機攻擊,致使客機迫降冰湖事件,林惺嶽航空劫後幸免於難,絕地逢生的處境,使他面對生命無常產生永生難忘的體悟,噵致日後全面思考藝術家面對社會的言論與責任,他的藝術奮鬥拼勁與勵志精神,給予人正向的評價。' (節自台北市立美術館網頁)
Alternative title

Lin xing yue: tai wan feng tu de mei li

Access level


Location code

Chinese - Traditional, 


Publication/Creation date


No of pages




No of copies


Content type

artist monograph, 


Chapter headings

Art and Nature / 藝術與自然 - LIN Hsinyueh, 林惺嶽

The Orphan Spirit in Lin Hsin-Yueh's Art / 孤兒精神與林惺嶽美學 - CHEN Fangming, 陳芳明

Do You Hear the Sound of the Stream? / 還聞偃溪水聲否? - LIN Kofang, 林谷芳

Lin Hsin-yueh's Focus on the Motherland - A Sensibility of Returning Home Reflected in Enchanting Taiwan / 林惺嶽的母土凝望- '台灣風土魅力' 鏡射的 '歸鄉' 意識 - TSAI Chaoyi, 蔡昭儀

The Artistic Ascent of Hsin-Yueh Lin - From Surrealism to the Enchantment of Taiwan / 論林惺嶽之藝術奮起 - 從超現實到台灣風土的魅力 - LIU Yungjen, 劉永仁

Paragon of Power: My Mentor, Lin Hsin-Yueh / 強者的典範 - 記我的恩師林惺嶽先生 - NI Yuan, 倪又安

Of Ruins, Withered Trees and Bones / 廢墟 枯樹 骸骨 - LIN Hsinyueh, 林惺嶽

Hsin Yueh Lin: Enchanting Taiwan
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Hsin Yueh Lin: Enchanting Taiwan, 林惺嶽: 台灣風土的魅力