'Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies is a primer on the characteristics, scope, uses, and methods for building and maintaining controlled vocabularies for art and cultural materials. It explains how vocabularies should be integrated in cataloging systems; utilized for indexing and retrieval; and structured to group synonyms and arrange concepts into categories [...]' (excerpt from back cover)

Includes glossary and selected bibliography. Selected vocabularies and other sources for terminology are also provided in the appendix section.
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Chapter headings

Controlled Vocabularies in Context

What are Cultural Works?

Creators of Art Information

Standards for Art Information

What are Controlled Vocabularies?

Purpose of Controlled Vocabularies

Display Information and Controlled Information

Types of Controlled Vocabularies

Relationships in Controlled Vocabularies

Equivalence Relationshipships

Hierarchical Relationships

Associative Relationships

Vocabularies for Cultural Objects

Types of Vocabulary Terms

The Getty Vocabularies

Chenhall's Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging

Library of Congress Authorities

Thesaurus for Graphic Materials


Using Multiple Vocabularies

Interoperability of Vocabularies

Maintenance of Mappings

Methods of Achieving Interoperability

Interoperability across Languages

Satellite and Extension Vocabularies

Local Authorities

Which Fields Should be Controlled?

Structure of the Authority

Unique IDs in the Authority

Person/Corporate Body Authority

Place/Location Authority

Generic Concept Authority

Subject Authority

Source Authority

Constructing a Vocabulary or Authority

General Criteria for the Vocabulary

Data Model and Rules

Imprecise Information

Rules for Constructing a Vocabulary

Displaying a Controlled Vocabulary

Indexing with Controlled Vocabularies

Technical Issues of Indexing

Methodologies for Indexing

Retrieval Using Controlled Vocabularies

Identifying the Focus of Retrieval

User Intervention or Behind the Scenes

Processing Vocabulary Data for Retrieval

Other Data Used in Retrieval

Results Lists

Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies: Terminology for Art, Architecture, and Other Cultural Works
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Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies: Terminology for Art, Architecture, and Other Cultural Works