Kan Kit-Keung is simultaneously a physicist and a devoted painter. He had received training in traditional Chinese ink painting from noted masters including the exponent of the Lingnan School of Painting, Gao Qifeng, after his move to Hong Kong in 1957. His subsequent move to the United States for further study in physics helped nurture new artistic ideas. The paintings presented in this catalogue trace the artistic and personal evolution of Kan Kit-Keung over a period of three decades, from 1965-1995. As remarked in one of the accompanying essays, ‘Standing alone, each painting affirms Kan as a master landscape painter who is capable of creating exquisite works prodigious in technique and contemplative in tone. Collected as a group, the works illuminate on his life and artistic journey, and his maturation as a painter and an individual.’ This catalogue includes a biography of the artist, a selected bibliography and information regarding awards received by Kan.

靳杰強既是一名物理學家,也是一位創作不倦的畫家。他於1957年遷居香港,曾追隨嶺南派高奇峰等多名國畫大師習畫。他其後移居美國深造物理,新的生活體驗再次激發了他的創作靈感。本圖錄的作品呈現了靳杰強三十載的藝術生涯和人生蛻變。本圖錄的一篇評論指出:「雖然從每幅畫中都能看出這位優秀的畫家可以寫出技巧非凡、耐人尋味的山水畫;但當作品整體呈現時,卻能闡明他的生命和藝術歷程,以及他作為一個畫家、作為一個人的成熟過程。」 此外,書中亦載有靳杰強的簡歷、書目提要及其歷年所獲獎項。
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Location code

Chinese - Traditional, 


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Content type

artist monograph, 


Chapter headings

Kit-Keung Kan -- an Artist that Bridges Art and Science - Chutsing LI, 李鑄晉

Art.Life.Nature as One -- A Thirty-Year Survey - Samuel HOI, 夏全正

Kit-Keung Kan's Ink Paintings 1965-1995
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Kit-Keung Kan's Ink Paintings 1965-1995, 靳杰強的水墨畫 1965-1995