This publication was created on occasion of Wang Chuan's solo exhibition "Locus" in Chengdu, China from October 2013 to December 2013. It incorporates primarily the artist's recent works post-2010 and also a few works from the 1990s.

Wang's paintings - both ink on paper and oil on canvas - provide a sense of simplicity, which reflects the artist's beliefs as a Buddhist. The artist's recent works have been described as minimalist, as they have become more focused on scarcity of line and point over the years. Moreover, the paintings after 1998 reflect the artist's own temperaments and mental state. The artist has been known to use his painting endeavours to cure himself of mental instability.

Includes essays, a biography and bibliography.

在《時間的倉庫——王川個展》中,我們將呈現王川1992-2013年跨度超過20年的作品,包括1992年創作的標誌性轉型期的硬邊抽像作品《時間的倉庫》系列、 2006-2010年的代表性布面油彩作品、2009-2013年的抽像水墨作品,從中我們可以看到王川的藝術嬗變。抽象主義常常用理論束縛了思考的自由,但抽象本身可以釋放自由的觀看,並讓觀者發現自己的視覺和感知經驗的寬度。王川的“時間倉庫”裡存放著他的生命體驗和人生思考,那也許是他繪畫的最大動機和結果。正如著名批評家黃專先生所言:“王川的藝術有一個不變的主題,那就是:有還是無,這是用道家語說,用儒家語說就是廟堂還是山林;用釋家語說就是空還是非空;用基督教語說就是靈魂還是肉身,總之,他的藝術探討的就是這類大問題,或者說根本的問題。……藝術本是一件世俗之事、感性之事、此岸世界之事,但王川總在試圖用自己的方式將它變成一件超驗之事、理性之事、彼岸世界之事……(王川)更熱衷於在與世俗慾望永無休止的牽扯、抗爭和博弈中展開宗教的沉思,他的死亡經歷使這一點變得更加觸目驚心……王川的藝術也正是因為具有這類內容才顯得格外單純和透徹。(摘自畫廊網站)

Alternative title

Shi jian de cang ku: wang chuan ge zhan

Access level


Location code

Chinese - Simplified, 


Publication/Creation date


No of pages




No of copies


Content type

artist monograph, 


Chapter headings

Tactile Resonance: The Spirit Painting of Wang Chuan / 可觸:共鳴 - 王川繪畫的精神性 - Robert C. MORGAN, 摩根羅伯特

Diary of a Reflective Life / 精神生活的手稿 - CHANG Tsongzung Johnson, 張頌仁

Waking of Graffiti / 塗畫的覺醒 - HUANG Zhuan, 黃專

A Return to Original Purity: Wang Chuan's Post-98 Art / 本淨的還原 - 1998年以後王川的藝術 - LV Peng, 呂澎

Wang Chuan's Locus / 王川的時間倉庫 - XU Sheng, 許晟

Locus: Wang Chuan Solo Exhibition
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Locus: Wang Chuan Solo Exhibition, 時間的倉庫: 王川個展