The present publication accompanies the exhibition entitled 'Looking through Film: Traces of Cinema and Self-Constructs in Contemporary Art' which retraces the special history and aesthetic experience of Chinese contemporary film art creation through the lens of 'cinema'. It seeks out the position of film art and explores ways to 'break free' from the control and domination of western film art history and mechanisms.

Alternative title

cong dian ying kan: dang dai yi shu de dian ying hen ji yu zi wo jian gou

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Chinese - Simplified

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Chapter headings

Curator: Preface / 策展團隊:前言

Articles of Curators and Critics / 策展人和批評家文章

37 Fragments of 'Film' / 關於”電影”的37個斷片 - DONG Bingfeng, 董冰峰

Visual as Contemplation: Reflection on the Future of Film / 作為凝視的視覺性:關於影像未來的一種思考 - DU Qingchun, 杜慶春

The Age of the New Taiwanese images from the Taiwanese New Film to Post-cinema / 台灣的新影像時代-從新電影到後電影 - HUANG Chienhung, 黃建宏

Analogue of Movement and Digital Differential - the Metamorphosis of the Creation of Image in Taiwan / 動態類比與微分數位-台灣的影像創作變形記 - HUANG Chienhung, 黃建宏

Looking Through Film: Readability of New Media / 從電影看:新媒體的可讀性 - ZHU Zhu, 朱朱

Visual and Expressive Mechanism in the Age of New Media / 新媒體時代的視覺與表述制度 - GAO Shiming, 高士明

Fragmentary, Transient and Composite Knowledge and Exhibition - Relationship between Video and Viewing / 片段、瞬間與綜合的知識、展示方式-如何理解影像與觀看的關係 - LI Zhenhua, 李振華

'Second Life' as An Exterior Scence / 作為外景地的”第二人生” - HU Fang, 胡昉

Shared Memories, Collective Amnesia / 共同的記憶,集體的失憶 - Colin CHINNERY, 秦思源

From Timelapse to Timecollapse or from Representation to Presentation / 從延時到時崩,或從再現到呈現 - ZHANG Ga, 張尕

Museum Exhibiting the Memories of Film / 展示電影記憶的美術館 - SING Songyong, 孫松榮

Exhibition / 展覽

ⅠMainland China and Overseas Categories / (一)內地及海外部分

PartⅠ: Trajectories of Desire / 第一單元:慾望路徑/敍事

PartⅡ: Machines/Mechanisms / 第二單元:機器/機制(增寫短介紹)

PartⅢ: Linguistic Landscapes/Experimental / 第三單元:語言景觀/實驗

PartⅣ: Projecting Viewpoints/Cultures / 第四單元:投射立場/文化

Appendixes: / 附:

Dialogue: Films Are Just the Remains of Conducts / 一席之言:影像只是行為留下的痕跡 - DU Qingchun, 杜慶春, LI Juchuan, 李巨川

Q3 / 潰客 - FENG Mengbo, 馮夢波

The Torn-away Finale / 被凌遲的結尾 - ZHU Zhu, 朱朱

Ⅱ Taiwan Categories / (二)台灣部分

Space of Appearance: The Intrude of the KinExperience / 展間論壇:電影經驗的入佇

PartⅠ: Poetic Experience / 第一單元:詩意經驗

PartⅡ: Image in Itself / 第二單元:影像自身

PartⅢ: The Coding of Body / 第三單元:身體編碼

PartⅣ: Bodiless / 第四單元:無身體

Appendixes: / 附:

'The Rupture': Image with the Crystal of Sights as Its Strategy / 斷裂:以視結構作為策略的影像 - HUANG Chienhung, 黃建宏

The 'Digital Eyes' in Landscape Sketching / 風景寫生中的”數位-眼” - HUANG Chienhung, 黃建宏

'The Room without Person': Impersonal Viewing in Digital Images / 無人房間:數位影像中的無人稱觀看 - HUANG Chienhung, 黃建宏

The Third Sense of Image Now: Selection of Documents / 西方理論文獻(1921-2009)

Enlarging / 放大

The Mystic Cinema / 神秘的電影

Conversation / 對話

Logiques de I'Hypercinema / 全球銀幕

War always Finds a Ways / 戰爭總會發生

Un Spectateur Pensif / 沉思的觀眾

Politics of the Image / 影像的政治

Appendixes / 附錄

The Data Collection of the Exhibition 'Looking through Films: Traces of Cinema and Self-Constructs in Contemporary Art' / ”從電影看:當代藝術的電影痕跡與自我建構”展覽資料匯編 - DONG Bingfeng, 董冰峰

The Chronicle of Taiwanese Media / 台灣媒體綜合紀事年表 - YUAN Goangming, 袁廣鳴

Looking Through Film: Traces of Cinema and Self-Constructs in Contemporary Art
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Looking Through Film: Traces of Cinema and Self-Constructs in Contemporary Art, 從電影看:當代藝術的電影痕跡與自我建構