'Though unknown to one another beforehand, we have thus been together for more than a year, a year of discussions and singular moments. When the time came to record this experience in the catalogue, we wanted to give our story a certain transparency, to present three separate interviews with individuals we each chose for their critical spirit and their ability to question the mehtods we had laid down for ourselves, and then to wait of the opening of the exhbiition before producing a joint text in the form of a conversation concerned not with results and conclusions but with clarifying the show, its contents and perspectives.' - Iara Boubnova, Nuria Enguita Mayo, Stephanie Moisdon Trembley, curators of Manifesta 4

The catalogue includes prologue by Iara Boubnova, Nuria Enguita Mayo and Stephanie Moisdon Trembley, foreword by Martin Fritz, Co-ordinator of Manifesta 4. With artist biographies and information on Video Programmes and Lectures.
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Chapter headings

Mobile Elements in Space - Vanessa Joan MULLER

Stephanie Moisdon Trembley interviewed by Eric Troncy

Parachuted - Jochen VOLZ

Nuria Enguita Mayo in conversation with Santiago Eraso

Iara Boubnova interviewed by Alexander Kiossev

Manifesta 4: European Biennial of Contemporary Art
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Manifesta 4: European Biennial of Contemporary Art