Paroles is a journal published by l'Alliance Francaise de Hong Kong. This issue features the Chinese artist Chun Teh-chun with the introduction of the artist and his abstract landscape paintings by Gérard Henry. Another article by Gérard Henry is a review of an exhibition held in The Hong Kong Art Centre, Being minorities: contemporary asian art, which features contemporary asia artists such as Robert O'Brien, Konstatin Bessmertny and Vu Dan Tan. There is also an introduction of the Hong Kong local street calligrapher Tsang Tsou Choi.

Alternative title

Dong xi tan

Access level


Location code
PER.PAR (Please ask staff for assistance)

Chinese - Traditional, 


Publication/Creation date

Apr 1997

Publication status

In print

No of copies


Content type


Chapter headings

Chu Teh-chun (朱德群) - Gerard HENRY, 敖樹克

Neuf Artistes d'Asie du Sud-Est (東南亞藝術家薈萃: 香港藝術中心) - Gerard HENRY, 敖樹克

Tsang Tsou Choi, Calligraphe de rue (街頭書法家曾灶財)

- LAU Kin Wai, 劉健威

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In Copyright

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Paroles (No. 151, Apr 1997), 東西譚