Like many of his predecessors belonging to the literati tradition, the ‘spirit resonance’, which is the rhythm of life, history and the universe, is the basis of Peng Xiancheng’s art. In the poetic paintings presented in this exhibition catalogue, Peng looks back to China’s past, in particular, to the Tang dynasty, and brings out the essence of the period through the boneless technique and the spontaneity of brushwork. Also included in this publication are a biography of Peng Xiancheng and essays which study his paintings.

彭先誠師法傳統的文人逸士,視「氣韻」 —— 即生命、歷史和宇宙的韻律 —— 為其創作依歸。本圖錄展示的作品詩意盎然,彭先誠在畫中發思古之幽情,上溯至唐代,以沒骨畫法和揮灑自如的筆觸來描寫時代風貌。本書亦載有彭先誠的簡歷及多篇評論。
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Location code

Chinese - Traditional, 


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Content type

artist monograph, 


Chapter headings

The Paintings of Peng Xiancheng - SUEN Meilan, 孫美蘭

硯邊斷想 - PENG Xiancheng, 彭先誠

Peng Xiancheng: A Nostalgia For Ancient China
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Peng Xiancheng: A Nostalgia For Ancient China, 彭先誠: 思古幽情