This is a collection of ten individual booklets concerning a series of curatorial experiments organised by TheCUBE, Taiwan. With the thematic of 'Re-Envisioning Society', this curatorial initiative attempts to make explicit and hence probe reflection upon the life substance of living in contemporary society, in which the globalised, post-Fordist fluidity of capital and material life has drastically altered how we live as well as our intersubjective relations with others. 
By re-envisioning society through the work of art and the curatorial, these real relations, as per hidden by the flow of capital, are now revealed. 

The titles of the ten projects are listed below, and contents within the separate booklets are sub-listed accordingly. 

Amy Cheng is chief curator throughout the exhibition series. 'Other Practitioners' refers to guest curator of several exhibitions within the project.

Includes biographies of artists and guest curators.

Please note that only Asian artists are listed. 

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Chinese - Traditional, 


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Chapter headings

#01 REM Sleep - JAO Chiaen, 饒加恩

策展手記#01 - ZHENG Hueihua Amy, 鄭慧華

Artist Statement / 創作自述 - JAO Chiaen, 饒加恩

#02 Escape from North Korea / 脫北者 - CHANG Chienchi, 張乾琦

策展手記#02 張乾琦訪談 - CHANG Chienchi, 張乾琦, ZHENG Hueihua Amy, 鄭慧華

#03 Venezuela from Below / 委內瑞拉的底層革命 - Dario Azzellini, Oliver Essler

Venezuela from Below, 5 Factories - Worker Control in Venezuela, Comuna under Construction: Film Description - Dario Azzellini, Oliver Ressler

Oliver Ressler and Dario Azzellin: Comuna Under Construction - Colin Perry

#04 Flooded McDonald's / 水淹麥當勞 - Superflex

#05 ...And Europe will be Stunned / ...而歐洲將為之震驚 - Yael BARTANA


#06 Revitalization of Chiayi Sound Project / 聲土不二: 嘉義聲音再生計劃 - Yannick DAUBY, 澎葉生, Yenting HSU, 許雁婷, TSAI Wanshuen, 蔡宛璇

The Revitalization of Chiayi Sound Project: Interview with Yannick Dauby, Yen-Ting Hsu and Wan-Shuen Tsai / 「嘉義聲音計劃」的再生:澎葉生,許雁婷與蔡宛璇訪談 - ZHENG Hueihua Amy, 鄭慧華, LO Jeph, 羅悅全

#07 The composer composes the future so that the composition leaves the traces of the future which the future won't leave / 作曲家書寫了未來,以便留下未來不會留下的印記 - WANG Hongkai, 王虹凱

To Begin a Discussion / 一場討論的開始 - CHEN Powei, 陳柏維, WANG Hongkai, 王虹凱, ZHENG Hueihua Amy, 鄭慧華, LO Jeph, 羅悅全

#08 Performance / 表演

開場 - WANG Molin, 王墨林, YAO Leechun, 姚立群

如果可以成為正常人,大旺你願意嗎?郭昭蘭與張又升談<新店線那卡西> - GUO Jaulan, 郭昭蘭, Yousheng ZHANG, 張又升, ZHENG Hueihua Amy, 鄭慧華, HUANG Dawang, 黃大旺

在場與不在場: 何東洪與陳界仁談<不在場證明> - WANG Molin, 王墨林, HO Tunghong, 何東洪, CHEN Chiehjen, 陳界仁

即興,現場與物:梅田哲也的創作 - ZHENG Hueihua Amy, 鄭慧華, HUANG Dawang, 黃大旺, Tetsuya UMEDA, 梅田哲也, HO Tunghong, 何東洪, WANG Molin, 王墨林, YAO Leechun, 姚立群

綜合討論:「表演」的台灣處境 - WANG Molin, 王墨林, CHEN Taisong, 陳泰松, CHEN Chiehjen, 陳界仁, HO Tunghong, 何東洪, YAO Leechun, 姚立群, HUANG Dawang, 黃大旺

#09 Brooklyn Bridge / 布魯克林橋 - Gulnara KASMALIEVA, Muratbek DJOUMALIEV

On the Bridge between Modernity and Tradition / 在「現代」與「傳統」的橋樑上 - Gulnara KASMALIEVA, Muratbek DJOUMALIEV, ZHENG Hueihua Amy, 鄭慧華, LO Jeph, 羅悅全

#10 Demolition Eve: Forum and Sound Performance / 拆除前夕: 論壇與聲音表演 Curated by Chen Chieh-Jen

微型部署,擴張動力,戰略突穿:重思藝術論述的問題組裝場域 - GONG Jowjiun, 龔卓軍

必須奪回「生產」:全球化中的潛殖問題與政治經濟學 - HUANG Chienhung, 黃建宏

從朝貢體系到網絡體系:重新定義「國際藝術」/邊陲聯繫工作 - Nobuo TAKAMORI, 高森信男

歷史即「診斷」 - HUANG Sunchuan, 黃孫權

Re-Envisioning Society
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Re-Envisioning Society, 重見/建社會