Alternative title

Dong fang qui II - lai zi qui yuan da di de bao gao

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Location code
56968 (Please ask library staff for assistance)

Chinese - Simplified, 


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Content type

artist monograph, 


Chapter headings

Sunflowers from the Heart - Three Themes of the Work of Xu Jiang | 葵出心田 - 許江藝術三題 - FAN Dian, 范迪安

History as Transmitted by the Sunflowers of the East | 東方葵承載的歷史 - SUN Ge, 孫歌

The Name is Destiny - Towards the Sunflower Generation | 稱之為命運 - 致「向陽花開」的一代 - GAO Shiming, 高士明

Sunflowers, Overwhelmed | 向日葵們百感交集 - Hua YU, 余華

The Sunflower Garden - A Poetic Reserve | 葵園 - 詩性的家園 - JIAO Xiaojian, 焦小健

Sunflowers Are My Life - Inscribed beside the Works of Xu Jiang | 葵是我的人生 - 寫在許江作品邊上 - SUN Shanchun, 孫善春

Longing for Life - Foreword to the 'Re-Generation' Exhibition | 渴望生長 - 「重新生長」展覽自序 - XU Jiang, 許江

History and Poeticism in the Oriental Sunflower Exhibition | 東方葵中的歷史與詩性 - CHEN Jiaqi, 陳家琪

Sunflower as Metonymy | 轉喻的向日葵 - YU Jian, 于堅

Rite of the Sunflower Grove 0 The Sunflower Meadows at Zijin Shan Cun, Ganpuzhen, Hiyan County, Zhejiang Province | 葵園札記 - 浙江海鹽紫金山五味村葵海 - XU Jiang, 許江

The Iconological and the Artistic - A Response to the Oriental Sunflower Exhibition: The Art of Xu Jiang, at the National Museum of China | 圖像意圖與藝術意圖 - 觀許江在中國國家博物館東方葵展有感 - CAO Yiqiang, 曹意強

The Oriental Sunflower II - A Report from the Sunflower Field
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The Oriental Sunflower II - A Report from the Sunflower Field, 東方葵II - 來自葵園大地的報告