'Following on from the highly successful first anthology of critical and theoretical writings on performance studies, this is an updated and significantly expanded second edition which brings the anthology up to date with current debate.
The new edition contains expanded introductory essays, eight entirely new pieces, and is cross-referenced with Richard Schechner's second edition of Performance Studies: An Introduction. The two volumes combine perfectly to offer a unique and complete teaching resource. This important collection is also widely used by students and scholars around the world as a stand-alone text, offering a stimulating introduction to the crucial debates of performance studies.
Collecting together key critical pieces, the Reader provides an overview of the full range of performance theory for undergraduates at all levels, and beginning graduate students in performance studies, theatre, performing arts and cultural studies.' - from the publisher's website
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Chapter headings

Introduction - Henry BIAL

Part I: What is performance studies?

1 Performance studies: the broad spectrum approach - Richard SCHECHNER

2 Disciplines of the text: sites of performance - W.B. WORTHEN

3 The liminal-norm - Jon McKENZIE

4 Professing performances: disciplinary genealogies - Shannon JACKSON

5 Performance studies - Barbara KIRSHENBLATT-GIMBLETT

6 Performance studies in an age of terror - John BELL

Part II: What is performance?

7 Performances: belief in the part one is playing - Erving GOFFMAN

8 Blurred genres: the refiguration of social thought - Clifford GEERTZ

9 What is performance? - Marvin CARLSON

10 Life the movie - Neal GABLER

11 Marina Abramović: witnessing shadows - Peggy PHELAN

Part III: Ritual

12 Liminality and communitas - Victor TURNER

13 'Performance' and other analogies - Catherine BELL

14 'The blood that runs through the veins': the creation of identity and a client's experience of Cuban-American Santería Dilogún divination - Michael Atwood MASON

15 Saint Orlan: ritual as violent spectacle and cultural criticism - Alyda FABER

16 Performance commemoratives, the personal, and the public: spontaneous shrines, emergent ritual - Jack SANTINO

Part IV: Play

17 The nature and significance of play as a cultural phenomenon - Johan HUIZINGA

18 A theory of play and fantasy - Gregory BATESON

19 The ambiguity of play: rhetorics of fate - Brian SUTTON-SMITH

20 Just doing - Allan KAPROW

21 Falling apart to stay together: deep play in the Grand Marais Mardi Gras - Barry Jean ANCELET

Part V: Performativity

22 How to do things with words: lecture II - J.L. AUSTIN

23 Excerpt from 'Signature Event Context' - Jacques DERRIDA

24 Performance acts and gender constitution: an essay in phenomenology and feminist theory - Judith BUTLER

25 Introduction to Performativity and Performance - Andrew PARKER, Eve KOSOFSKY SEDGWICK

26 Theater and anthropology, theatricality and culture - Johannes FABIAN

Part VI: Performing

27 A dialogue about acting - Bertolt BRECHT

28 The actor's technique - Jerzy GROTOWSKI

29 A dream of passion - Lee STRASBERG

30 Presenting and re-presenting the self: from not-acting to acting in African performance - Frances HARDING

31 Reconsidering Stanislavsky: feeling, feminism, and the actor - Rhonda BLAIR

Part VII: Performance processes

32 First attempts at a stylized theatre - Vsevolod MEYERHOLD

33 The oral artist: training and preparation - Isidore OKPEWHO

34 The performance text - Marco DE MARINIS

35 The deep order called turbulence: the three faces of dramaturgy - Eugenio BARBA

36 The archaeology of performance - Mary ZIMMERMAN

Part VII: Global and intercultural performances

37 Performing ethnography - Victor TURNER

38 Of mimicry and man - Homi K. BHABHA

39 Culturas-in-extremis: performing against the cultural backdrop of the mainstream bizarre - Guillermo GOMEZ-PENA

40 Reverend Billy: preaching, protest, and post-industrial flânerie - Jill LANE

41 Performance studies: interventions and radical research - Dwight CONQUERGOOD

42 Translating performance - Diana TAYLOR

The Performance Studies Reader
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The Performance Studies Reader