This catalogue is published on the occasion of the exhibition China Contemporary: Architecture, presented by the Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam in 2006. The Story of Zhang Jinli is part of The Da Zha Lan Project under the fellowship programme Bejing Case organised by Kulturstiftung des Bundes and Goethe-Institut Peking. Led by Ou Ning and Cao Fei, the project chooses the Da Zha Lan area as a case study, focusing on the historical and cultural development, poverty, social organization and architecture of the region. The present exhibition features video documentation and publication that follow the activities of Zhang Jinli, a local from the Da Zha Lan area who put up public resistance to defend his own rights as a removed inhabitant. The catalogue includes text by Ou Ning and photo documentation of the project.

鹿特丹的荷蘭建築學院曾於2006年舉辦《中國當代建築展》(China Contemporary: Architecture) ,此書便是其展覽圖錄。「大柵欄計劃」是德國聯邦文化基金會與歌德學院北京分院的資助項目 ——「北京現場」的組成部分,而「張金利的故事」則是「大柵欄計劃」其中一個環節。在歐寧與曹斐的帶領下,此項目選用大柵欄地區進行個案研究,集中探討當地的歷史文脈、貧困現實、社會組織和街區建築。展出的作品包括以張金利活動為中心的錄像記錄及出版物。張金利是被迫拆遷的居民之一,他為了維護自己的權益,展開了一場公開的抗爭。本圖錄載有歐寧撰寫的評論及該項目的檔案圖片。

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The Story of Zhang Jinli
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The Story of Zhang Jinli, 張金利的故事