Chinese translation of e-flux journal: What is Contemporary Art? published by Sternberg Press in 2010.

'What is contemporary art? First, and most obviously: why is this question not asked? That is to say, why do we simply leave it to hover in the shadow of attempts at critical summation in the grand tradition of twentieth-century artistic movements? The contemporary delineates its border invisibly: no one is proud to be "contemporary," and no one is ashamed. Indeed, the question of where artistic movements have gone seems embedded in this question, if only because "the contemporary" has become a single hegemonic "-ism" that absorbs all proposals for others. When there are no longer any artistic movements, it seems that we are all working under the auspices of this singular -ism that is deliberately (and literally) not one at all...' - From back cover of the original English edition

Please note that the English version e-flux journal: What Is Contemporary Art? is also in AAA's archive.

e-flux journal於2010年出版文集之中譯本。

首先, 最明顯的是: 為什麼這個問題沒有被提出? 也就是說, 為麼我們要把這一問題放在20世紀種類繁多的藝術運動批評理論總結的背景下加以討論? 當代藝術的描述界限如此模棱兩可, 以致沒有哪個藝術家因為自己的作品是"當代藝術的"而感到自豪, 也沒有哪個藝術家因為創作"當代藝術"的作品而深感恥辱。 事實上, 對藝術運動的討論已經深深嵌入當代藝術討論的範疇之中, 僅僅是因為當代已經變成只尋求單一霸權的"主義"嗎? 今天, 當我們不再發動任何藝術運動的時候, 似乎我們都小心翼翼地活在這種故意的(和字面上的)且不止一個的單一主義之中。' - 摘錄自封底

Alternative title

Shen me shi dang dai yi shu | 蜜蜂文庫 當代藝術 話語實踐卷 02 | mi feng wen ku dang dai yi shu hua yu shi jian juan 02

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Chinese - Simplified

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Chapter headings

引論: 什麼是當代藝術? - Julieta ARANDA, Brian Kuan WOOD, Anton VIDOKLE

當代: 11篇論文 - Cuauhtémoc MEDINA

時代的同志 - Boris GROYS

現在和其他地區 - Raqs Media Collective

未來宣言 - Hans Ulrich OBRIST

新空間物種 - HU Fang, 胡昉

酷刑和補救措施: 主義的終結和非單一霸權的開始 - Jörg HEISER

撈到錢就跑? 政治和社會批評藝術能夠“生存”嗎? - Martha ROSLER

當代摘錄 - Hal FOSTER

作為不同連接點的當代性 - Zdenka BADOVINAC

回到當代: 懷負當代, 多重世界 - Carol Yinghua LU, 盧迎華

耶拿觀點: 什麼不是當代藝術? - Dieter ROELSTRAETE

站在地獄之門上. 發現我的服務不夠好 - Jan VERWOERT

What is Contemporary Art?
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What is Contemporary Art?, 什麼是當代藝術?