This is a monograph of the artist Wong Shun-kit, a painter-turn-installation artist.  This publication features selected installation works from mid 1990s to 2002, including "Deny Aging - The Younger the Happier", "Portrait of HKSAR's CE - Laughs", "Re-comprehension", "Re-Walking the Way Home from School After 16 Years", "12/2/02 - 16/2/02 Diary", "Rite of River""Electricity Suspended", Thoughts on City Development", "Personality", "Circle of Hong Kong History", and "As Oxygen Runs Out".  Artist biography is included at the back of the publication.

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Content type

artist monograph

Chapter headings

Artists' View of HKSAR's CE: Power of Art - WONG Shunkit, 王純杰

Electricity Suspended: A Common Issue We Have to Face - China Experience 1998 - WONG Shunkit, 王純杰

Thinking Process about Painting - WONG Shunkit, 王純杰

Wong Shun Kit
Rights statement

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Wong Shun Kit