Published as the proceedings from 'World in Transition, Imagination in Flux: Asian Circle of Thought 2012 Shanghai Summit' held at Power Station of Art, Shanghai, 12 to 19 October 2012.

'This week-long meeting is an attempt to initiate a platform for dialogues among leading intellectuals and thinkers in Asia. As the world is now in rapid transition, economically, politically and culturally, there is a sense of urgency to come together to analyse the present and imagine the future in regional terms.

'For the past two or three decades, different projects have been carried out to contribute to the (re)integration of Asia at the level of knowledge production. Projects like 'Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements, East Asia Critical Journals Conference,' and the 'West Heavens' have been able to connect intellectual circles across different parts of Asia. We feel this is the moment to work together, with the Modern Asian Thought Project which is going to be launched by this forum, to create new forms and modes of knowledge for the future of global peace and a more humane world.

'"World in Transition, Imagination in Flux–Asian Circle of Thought 2012 Shanghai Summit" invites six eminent Asian thinkers from South Korea, Japanese mainland, Okinawa, Malaysia and India, to deliver speeches during Oct. 12 to Oct. 19 on the occasion of the 2012 Shanghai Biennale , and engage in discussions with 40 plus intellectuals from across Asia. We believe that from these conversations, there will emerge the intricate history and reality of Asia, and the great endeavor made by the Asian intelligentsias to comprehend and to intervene into them.' (from Shanghai Biennale)

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conference proceedings, 


Chapter headings

Lecture Papers and Responses/ 會議論文與回應稿

12/10 | The 'Third Party' in Inter-Korean Relations and Its Potential Contribution to Modern Asia Thought/ 朝際關係中的'第三方'及其對亞洲現代思想的潛在貢獻 - PAIK Nakchung, 白樂晴

Chiyo Wakabayashi's Response to Paik Nak-chung (Japanese)/ 若林千代回應白樂晴(日語)

Ikegami Yoshihiko's Response to Paik Nak-chung (Japanese)/ 池上善彥回應白樂晴(日語)

Wang Xiaoming's Response to Paik Nak-chung (Chinese)/ 王曉明回應白樂晴(中文)

13/10 | Imperialism Is Alive and Well But Still Evolving: Globalisation and East Asia after September 11/ 帝國主義存活無恙,但依然在進化中:'9.11'之後的全球化與東亞 - Jomo Kwame SUNDARAM

Chu Yun-han's Response to Jomo K. S. (Chinese)/ 朱雲漢回應卓莫.K.S(中文)

14/10 | The Colonial City in the Postcolonial Era/ 後殖民時代中的殖民城市 - Partha CHATTERJEE

Wang Zhiming's Response to Partha Chatterjee (Chinese)/ 王智明回應帕沙.查特吉(中文)

Tomiyama Ichiro's Response to Partha Chatterjee (Japanese)/ 冨山一郎回應帕沙.查特吉(日語)

Tomiyama Ichiro's Response to Partha Chatterjee (English)/ 冨山一郎回應帕沙.查特吉(英語)

15/10 | Papers from the Main Forum/ 共同論壇發言滙編

Coloniality in Korea and a South Korea Project for Overcoming Modernity/ 再論韓半島的殖民性問題與現代韓國的雙重課題 - PAIK Nakchung, 白樂晴

Culture and the New Forms of Global Power/ 文化與全球權力的新形式 - Partha CHATTERJEE

On Some Characteristics of Okinawan People's Post World-War II Struggle/ 沖繩民眾戰爭的特點 - Moriteru ARASAKI, 新崎盛暉

Terminal Symptoms of Euramerico-centrism and an Alternative Path for the Japanese/ 歐美中心主義的末期症狀與日本人的替代性道路 - Yuzo ITAGAKI, 板垣雄三

Untamed Language of Dissent/ 不為馴服的異議語言 - Ashis NANDY

16/10 | Could Okinawa Become 'Catalyst' for Peace in the Future of East Asia/ 沖繩可能成為東亞內部和平的「催化劑」嗎?

- Moriteru ARASAKI, 新崎盛暉

Sun Ge's Response to Arasaki Morteru (Chinese)/ 孫歌回應新崎盛暉(中文)

17/10 | Historical Review on 'Japan Problem' from Critical Viewpoint of Civilisation Strategy (Chinese & Japanese)/ 從批判的文明戰略觀出發對日本問題的歷史回顧(中文與日語) - Yuzo ITAGAKI, 板垣雄三

18/10 | The Demonic and the Seductive in Religious Nationalism: Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and the Rites of Exorcism in Secularising South Asia/ 宗教民族主義的妖魔與誘惑:維內亞、達摩打.薩瓦卡與南亞世俗化的驅魔儀式 - Ashis NANDY

Suzuki Masahisa's Response to Ashis Nandy (Chinese)/ 鈴木將久回應阿希斯.南迪(中文)

World in Transition, Imagination in Flux: Asian Circle of Thought 2012 Shanghai Summit | Main Lectur
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World in Transition, Imagination in Flux: Asian Circle of Thought 2012 Shanghai Summit | Main Lectures, 變動中的世界​​,變動中的想像──2012亞洲思想界上海論壇 | 主題演講匯編