This catalogue is published in conjunction with the retrospective exhibition of Liu Guosong at the Chan Liu Art Museum, Taoyuan in 2007. The exhibition features 45 paintings by the artist and represents about 40 years of a creative journey marked by constant reflection and rethinking, constant searching for new methods and approaches. Includes essays and artist chronology. 
Alternative title

Yu zhou xin yin: liu guo song hui gu zhan

Access level


Location code

Chinese - Traditional, 


Publication/Creation date


No of pages




No of copies


Content type

artist monograph, 


Chapter headings

Nature Proposes, Art Disposes - The Metaphysical Landscape of Luo Kuo-sung/ 造化弄人,我弄造化—論劉國松的玄學山水 - YU Kwangchung, 余光中

New Realms of Wonder in Landscape Painting - Preface to Liu Kuo-sung's Exhibition/ 山水畫驚奇的新境—為劉國松老師畫展序 - HUANG Pitwan, 黃碧端

From 'Space Strolling' with Dashing Wonders of the Cosmos, Journeyed back to 'Wandering in the Mountains and by the Waters' with Natural Poetics - Liu Kuo-sung and His Exhibition at Taoyuan/ 從「太空漫步」的宇宙奇觀返航「遊山玩水」的自然詩境—評劉國松及其桃園個展 - J.J. SHIH, 石瑞仁

Liu Kuo-sung, Who Have Left Indelible Marks in Art History/ 具有深刻藝術史意義的藝術家劉國松 - LU Hong, 魯虹

The Synonymous with the Genre of Modern Chinese Ink Painting - Liu Kuo-sung/ 中國現代水墨畫的同義詞—劉國松 - TAN Swiehian, 陳瑞獻

Preface by the Artist-Feelings at 70/ 自序:七十感言 - LIU Kuo-sung, 劉國松

The Universe in the Mind: A Retrospective of Liu Kuo-sung
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The Universe in the Mind: A Retrospective of Liu Kuo-sung, 宇宙心印: 劉國松回顧展