‘The main focus of his (Ren Rong) artwork is the figure of the plant people, which the artist has developed over the past years and which he presents in different variations within different contexts. The Plant People are a combination of hermaphroditic, floral and human forms. At times they appear to be overtly erotic, having many bosoms and arms, and at other times quite un-erotic and non-sexual. The plant motives and body parts appear to be floating which gives the viewer an impression of motion. Ren Rong portrays the character of the plant person as an image of great vitality. He achieved this by initially using the traditional Chinese technique of paper cutting, which has been used for centuries as a motive, which expresses power and enjoyment of life in the art of Chinese folklore.’ – Sepp Hiekisch-Picard. This catalogue was published on the occasion of the touring exhibition, Hybrid Creature, Hyperlink Icon, in 2000. A biography of the artist is included.

「『植物人』是任戎數年創作的心血結晶,呈現出不斷更新的變化性與關連性;這個奇異的混合體,由雙重性別的花朵組成,宛如人形,豐腴體態,眾多乳房與臂膀,時而展現萬種風情,但又區辨不出性別,趨於無情。流暢,卻又盤根錯節的體型,線條的花紋裝飾與體態,總有一股狂猛的動力與活力。中國傳統的剪紙藝術,幾百年來一直是民俗技藝中展現力道與生命喜樂的重點。任戎的『植物人』更將這項特質轉化為蓬勃生氣的具體呈現。」 (茲伯.依克斯-彼卡德語) 本圖錄是為任戎於2000年舉辦的《混種生物圖像,混血文化想像》巡迴展覽而發表的,書中附有任戎的簡歷。

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Location code

Chinese - Traditional, 


Publication/Creation date


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Content type

artist monograph, 


Chapter headings

Ren Rong's Plant People --- Allegory of Vitality - Sepp HIEKISCH-PICARD

Hybrid Creature; Hyperlink Icon -- An Interpretation of Ren Rong's Artworks - J.J. SHIH, 石瑞仁

Ren Rong's Styling of Human -- Like Creatures and Tibetan Folk Gods - LI Xianting, 栗憲庭

Ren Rong
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Ren Rong, 任戎