New Amsterdam Art Consultancy — International Avantgarde Art Standards Awards & Urgent Warnings 1994

Document written by Hans van Dijk during the 'avant-garde' period of Chinese art.

The document consists of Van Dijk’s original classification, in which he describes and recommends several artists and works for each category. The document also reflects the many events happened in Beijing in the summer of 1994.

Both Chinese and English version of the original documentwas copied double-sided on A3 paper, which was then folded to A4 size. It was a usual way for van Dijk to distribute information and materials, even for exhibition invitation.

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New Amsterdam Art Consultancy — International Avantgarde Art Standards Awards & Urgent Warnings 1994 (Chinese), 新阿姆斯特丹藝術咨詢: 國際前衛藝術標準1994年度獎項及緊急警告(中文版)