X and M (Exhibition Opening) (Set of 12 Photographs)

Compilation of photographs taken during the opening of Kaloy Olavides' solo exhibition 'X and M' curated by Roberto Chabet at Green Papaya Art Projects on 31 August 2007.
Roberto Chabet is captured in image 1, 3, 6, 8-10, 12.

Excerpt from the press release:
'Subverting the process of academic painting, the artist breaks away from the confines of a bordered canvas and extends his painting by incorporating the surrounding spaces around the artwork, from the wall to another artwork to the opposite ends of the gallery, into the artwork itself.

'X & M' pushes further by manipulating different mass media such as print materials and video, and transform them into a hybrid medium, thereby exhibiting a process of manipulating the manipulator, and questioning the power of manipulation and the persona of the manipulator.'

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event photograph/recording, 

personal record

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X and M (Exhibition Opening) (Set of 12 Photographs)