Solo Exhibition of Khuc Thanh Binh — Exhibition Invitation

The front and back pages of the exhibition invitation for Khuc Thanh Binh's solo exhibition at Salon Natasha, May 1992. The invitation was designed by Le Quang Chau.

Khuc Thanh Binh was born in Hanoi, 1955, graduated from Hanoi College of Applied Arts (Sculpture Department) in 1978. The artist worked in both sculptures and painting. This solo exhibition in Salon Natasha featured his paintings on both silk and paper.

From 1992, Salon Natasha began to organise exhibitions. The projects and collaborations were mostly initiated and curated by Natasha Kraevskaia. Its first three solo exhibitions in 1992 featured works by Ngo Dinh Chuong, Khuc Thanh Binh, and Tran Thieu Quang. They were all artist-friends of Vu Dan Tan.

Alternative title

Painting Exhibition — Exhibition Invitation

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Solo Exhibition of Khuc Thanh Binh — Exhibition Invitation