'Bali Conversations' is an annual event started from 2008, held in Bali that involves artists, collectors, and scholars to engage in sophisticated conversations, which later are transcribed and published as an edited volume. Its aim is to provide a space in which continuous dialogue of every aspect of contemporary art in China can take place and sustain. The titling of 'conversations', as preferred over 'workshop', 'conference' or other similar terminologies is to refuse a pre-determined format of the discussion.

The 2009 'Bali Conversations' panel discusses a range of issues including the categories of 'Chinese', 'history', and 'art' in relation to the context of contemporary art in China. Also covered are the state of globalisation, the question of tradition, historiography, intra-Asian learning, and geopolitical realities.

Includes notes on contributors.

Alternative title

2009 ba li dao dui hua: zhong guo dang dai yi shu de duo yuan shi jue

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Content type

conference proceedings

Chapter headings

Part One: In Search of Chinese Contemporary Art / 第一部分:尋找中國當代藝術

1.1 Bali as a Point of Departure / 從峇里島開始

1.2 Returning to Asia, an Awakening from Prevalent Perspective, Standards, and Framework / 回到亞洲,從慣性的視覺,標準,框架中甦醒

1.3 Reviewing the Differences Between the East and the West / 再看東方與西方的異同

1.4 Critiquing 'Chinese-ness', Revaluation of Artistic Standards - Who will Have the Authority to Speak and Why? / 審視「中國性」,再談藝術標準-誰將會以及為什麼會取得話語權

Part Two: In Search of Chinese Contemporary Art / 第二部分:尋找中國當代藝術

2.1 Is 'Contemporary' a Temporal Marker? Is it a Specific Term in Art Criticism? / 是時間綫索上的「當代」嗎?或者藝術批評中的專有名詞「當代」?

2.2 A Juncture of Geo-Politics and History of Art Criticism? / 在時空(包含了文化,社會,經濟,政治因素的時間點)與藝術批評史的交叉點上,當代與當代的價值是什麼?

2.3 The Discourse of 'Contemporary' in the Global Context? / 什麼是全球背景下的當代話語?

2.4 The Views from Within and Without? / 裡裡外外如何看待?

Part Three: In Search of Chinese Contemporary Art - Case Study and Detailed Analyses / 第三部分:尋找中國當代藝術-具體問題具體分析

3.1 Translocality and Trans-Media / 跨界與跨媒體

3.2 Uli Sigg on Private Collection / 烏里希克談個人收藏

3.3 Academic Research and Museum Collection / 學術研究與美術館收藏

3.4 Where to Locate Independent Art Criticism? / 獨立的藝術批評在哪裡?

3.5 Collectors and Social Responsibilities / 收藏家與社會責任

3.6 The Next Step: Avant-Gardism and a Return to the Essential, the Exploration of Depth / 下一步:前沿性以及回到本質,發掘深度

The Conversation between Yu Deyao and Wu Hung / 余德耀,巫鴻對話錄

2009 Bali Conversations: Perspectives on Chinese Contemporary Art
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2009 Bali Conversations: Perspectives on Chinese Contemporary Art, 2009 巴厘島對話:中國當代藝術的多元視覺