Victor Turner explores the interplay of event, spectacle, audience and culture, and looks into ritual and social drama in relation to the idea of performance.
'Turner sought to integrate the notion of liminality—the threshold, the betwixt and between—so decisive to his grasp and experience of ritual as antistructural, creative, often carnivalesque and playful—with his emerging understanding of the relationship between social drama and aesthetic drama. Performance is central to Turner's thinking because the performative genres are living examples of ritual in/as action. And not only when performance is overtly "ritualistic"—as in a Mass, a healing ceremony, a shamanic journey, or a Grotowskian poor theatre or paratheatrical event: all performance has at its core a ritual action, a "restoration of behaviour".' - excerpts from preface by Richard Schechner
Victor Turner's Last Adventure - Richard SCHECHNER
Images and Reflections: Ritual, Drama, Carnival, Film, and Spectacle in Cultural Performance
Social Dramas in Brazilian Umbanda: The Dialectics of Meaning
The Anthropology of Performance
Rokujo's Jealousy: Liminality and the Performative Genres
Carnival in Rio: Dionysian Drama in an Industrialising Society
Performing Ethnography
Body, Brain, and Culture
The Anthropology of Performance

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