Features artists' works and their interviews as well as a series of essays. Includes a supplementary booklet that contains essays by Alfian Sa'at, Boey Kim Cheng, Tania de Rozario, Claire Tham, Jason Wee, Cyril Wong and Stephanie Ye (all in German only).
Unsettling the Purity of One - Charles MEREWETHER
The Measure of Your Dwelling: Singapore as Unhomed - Jason WEE
Ashley Yeo: In Conversation with Gregory Coates
Charles Lim: About My Video
Chua Chye Teck: In conversation with Tricia Lim
Chun Kai Feng: About My Work
Geraldine Kang: In Conversation with Sylvia Poh
Grace Tan & Randy Chan: In Conversation with Each Other
Ho Tzu Nyen: In Conversation with Jason Wee
Jeremy Sharma: In Conversation with John Chia
Tan Pin Pin: Three Questions
Vince Ong: In Conversation with Kelvin Ang
Zai Tang: In Conversation with Joleen Loh
Making New, Again - LEE Honghwee Michael, 李鴻輝
The Singapore Art Archive Project: From Yishun to Gillman Barracks - KOH Nguanghow, 許元豪
Singapore as Garden City: The Techo-Organic Home - May Ee WONG
We Are All Foreigners - Anca RUJOIU
The Measure of Your Dwelling: Singapore as Unhomed, Die Vermessung deiner Wohnung: Singapur unheimlich

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