Layout for Grass Mountain Residents Painting Exhibition's Artist Statements, 草山住民繪畫聯展創作自述排版稿

HSU Wen-Hui, 許雯惠,  HUNG Hsuan-Hung, 洪絢虹,  KUO Wen-Ping, 郭文萍,  LIAO Li-Guang, 廖禮光,  LIEN Je-Hon, 連正宏,  WU Shu-Feng, 吳淑逢
Chinese - Traditional
artist statement/manifesto, 
Layout for Grass Mountain Residents Painting Exhibition's Artist Statements, 草山住民繪畫聯展創作自述排版稿
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Layout for Grass Mountain Residents Painting Exhibition's Artist Statements, 草山住民繪畫聯展創作自述排版稿

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