Asia,  transnationalism,  group exhibition,  touring exhibition
Awakenings: Art in Society in Asia, 1960s-1990s - BAE Myungji, 배명지, Yujin SENG, Katsuo SUZUKI, 鈴木勝雄
Chapter 1 Questioning Structures
Lee Ufan, Tang Da Wu and Montien Boonma: Investigating Material Agencies - CHENG Jiayun
Body as Media - RYU Hanseung, 류한승
Towards a Mystical Reality: A Documentation of Jointly Initiated Experiences - Yujin SENG
Lee Seung-taek's Concept of "Non-Sculpture" - LEE Ihnbum, 이인범
Encounters with Unknown Things - Katsuo SUZUKI, 鈴木勝雄
Pioneers of the Avant-Garde Art Movement: The Korean Avant-Garde Association and Space and Time - YOON Jinsup, 윤진섭
The Black December Affair and Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru - Yujin SENG
The Works of Chang Chao-Tang - Tomohiro MASUDA, 桝田倫広
Chapter 2 Artists and the City
Critiques on Urbanisation and Consumer Capitalism - BAE Myungji, 배명지
Awakenings: Art in Society in Asia 1960s–1990s

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